Crack Drabbles, Round Nine!

Jul 20, 2009 16:12

Prompts for Round Nine

43. Being with Grawp gave Hermione a whole new perspective on 'golden showers'. (Cal you need help.)
44. Hang on, you're a WHAT?
45. EVERYBODY is gay.
46. When all else fails, try a Weasley
47. I can't believe Jo forgot to mention this in canon!
48. When Harry put his hand down Malfoy's trousers for the first time he discovered that Malfoy gelled more than just the hair on his head.

* Everyone is welcome to respond to our Crack and Cliché Prompt List with drabbles, drawbles or ficlets, the crackier the better.

* Please post your Crack and Cliché Drabbles, Drawbles and Ficlets (CCDs) in the comments below, or leave a link to larger works at your own sites.

* Please include the CCD prompt choice in your subject line.

* Although CCDs can contain material from the Common Squicks List, please warn for such inclusions.

* Please begin all CCDs with a basic header:

Squick warning:

Write one or write them all! Enjoy.

*If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to email the mods at

crack cliche prompts

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