Dec 13, 2005 16:53
WV is a poor state with nature thats beyond gorgious everwhere you turn. Most of us drink, fornicate, and immigrate like mad. Coal companies opressed and ruled the land for awhile there. We're Ireland!
I was reading that in Ireland there is a serious lack of people between ages 15 and 45 that live in most of the country there. That all the people of working age like that either flock to the big cities in Ireland for work or move to another country.
I lose more friends to immigration then anything else. I'm trying and saving like mad to immigrate myself this summer. Im not leaving the state but I'm going pretty far from the valley and Morgantown is pretty close to a state border.
Now time for my bad irish accent: "Och Jaysus! It tears at me heart to be leaving me homeland. Tis a beautiful land but there's no money in these hills."