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Oct 08, 2009 23:03

Title: The Wrong Idea
Author: Me! Aka azkaban_hunter 
Characters: James T. Kirk, Lillian Guinness (novipompeii )
Pairings: Kirk/Lily
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings: Sexual intercourse with a 17-year-old.
Notes: This was written for the fic exchange at Novi Pompeii

( you keep coming back here and i might get the wrong idea )

Title: Untitled
Author: Me! Aka azkaban_hunter 
Characters: Cadence Wayward, James T. Kirk, Evelyn Grace (novipompeii )
Pairings: Cadence/Evie/Kirk
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings: Oral intercourse with a 17-year-old.
Notes: This was written for the fic exchange at Novi Pompeii

( evelyn can't even think straight anymore )

Title: Tie-d Up
Author: Me! Aka azkaban_hunter 
Characters: James T. Kirk, Evelyn Grace (novipompeii )
Pairings: Kirk/Evie
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings: Sexual things with a 17-year-old, mild bondage.
Notes: This was written for the fic exchange at Novi Pompeii

( "i want to try something" he says while undoing his tie )

Title: Did You Read It In A Book?
Author: Me! Aka azkaban_hunter 
Characters: Selkie Strand, Mimmi Kopanski (novipompeii )
Pairings: Selkie/Mimmi
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings: Two 17-year-old girls and implied sexual intercourse.
Notes: This was written for the fic exchange at Novi Pompeii

( because she's nervous she's trembling slightly )

selkie/mimmi, kirk/evie, cadence/evie/kirk, kirk/lily, star trek kinda, fanfic, novi pompeii, writing, rated: r, rated: nc-17

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