Officially 23..........several days ago

Oct 22, 2013 14:35

I recently had my 23rd birthday, it was great. My family and part of my church's people threw me a little surprise birthday party. I was way too shocked, I didn't think that we were going to do anything until this weekend that's coming up. It was still a wonderful gesture. But there had to be some drama. One of my aunts yelled at her daughter for no reason at all and just started spouting how rude she was being. The aunt had asked her daughter to get her plate and for the daughter to get her own plate. And all the daughter said was that they were bringing the food out. I don't understand why I can't celebrate my birthday without having to deal with drama. I really wanted to yell and say "Are you kidding me?! This is my birthday celebration and your going to ruin it with drama over nothing?" Don't get me wrong I'm not a drama queen I absolutely HATE drama. I hate dealing with it and I don't want to be apart of it. Anyway moving on, I did receive some really nice gifts and a really delicious cake. This always happens but I never truly feel the new age that I am until after a few months. Does that happen to anyone else? I've wondered that for awhile now. I can't believe we're in the middle of October already. Time, to me anyway, seems to be moving very fast. I kind of want it to slow down to be honest. Anyway, I hope to catch up on you guys journals when I have the chance.

surprise, time, happy, birthday

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