Rain and Peace

Feb 21, 2011 18:54

I sit here in my room, listening to the rain and reading journal entries on Livejournal. My room is cold and smells like boiled hot dog water (the freak), as I listen to Death Cab for Cutie's I Will Posess Your Heart. Not knowing what else to do since I have a hard time writing down my thoughts especially the super crazy ones. I've been having really disturbing thoughts mainly to do with various family members dying, I'm not sure if I need help or if my mind has been jacked up from crazy movies and certain cop shows. I seriously need to stop watching those things and watch cartoons instead. Not to mention the fact that I've been having a few family members tell me where I should go to college. I want to go to OSU but they are telling me to attend Columbus State Community College. Saying that it'll be easier and cheaper, how can I ever achieve my dream of being a writer or whatever if I always take the easy way out? I think to myself as I frown. I sigh, continue to listen to the rain fall outside my window, hear my dad and younger brother talk (though it sounds like they're voices are garbled or whatever), and hear the clacking of my keyboard as I write this. There are three things that I'm happy about :  We'll be going to visit OSU tomorrow! I finished my essay for OSU just need to re-read and edit it before I send it and I found my friend Parvati564 on Facebook! I can't wait to chat with her on there.

thoughts, not sure what to do, college

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