*has a spaz attack*

Jan 20, 2011 18:52

I can not believe that I have a  brand new laptop! Of course it's for school but I'm still using it. lol! I hope yet again that everyone is having a pretty good year so far, mine has gotten better mainly from this laptop. *hugs my new baby* I'm overwhelmed because I'm not used to using such a  huge laptop it's crazy! I totally can't wait to start writing my stories and stuff on here, I seriously need to start writing soon just in case I have to show any of my future college professors. I'm really freaking out about going to college, I finished my FAFSA thing for Financial Aid stuff and it's been successfully processed so now I just have to finish my application for Ohio State University. Yes I finally decided on where I'm going to college mainly because I've been there before mainly because I love their Barnes and Noble. Can't wait to buy my text books there hopefully I can buy cheap ones or something. I pray to God that I'll do good since I'll be going to a four year college. *feels ten times more spaztastic* Ugh it's going to be so hard.

Mostly because I've been home-schooled since I was in the sixth grade and I haven't been to a "normal" school for 7 years. *gasp* Not to mention the fact that I'd like to lose weight before I go to college, problem is I haven't been keeping up with my work out. No surprise there but today I did 30 push ups and sit ups and I'll be walking on our treadmill tomorrow for at least 30 mins to an hour. I've been messing up my eating habits and I know for sure that I won't lose the weight before I go to college because in my application I signed up for the Spring semester (though I don't know if I'll be accepted. I need 40 bucks to finish my dang application.) I can't believe it's going to cost that much just to apply. That's insane! Does every college do that? Ugh!

Also I still can't find my cell phone's charger I have no idea where it went! I could of sworn I put it in a bag then put it in my room but I haven't been able to find it. I really hope that it wasn't thrown away by accident. I've looked everywhere( of course it's only the places that I've been with the phone charger). Argh! Maybe I should just save up to buy a new one or something. I really need one, it's kind of funny because I lost the charger to my old laptop then my bro found it like a month or so later and now the charger to my phone is missing. I'm starting to think that someone accidentally took it. But I'm still not 100% sure. *grumbles to self for stupidity in losing phone charger* It's charged now but that's because my younger bro let me use his charger.

charger lost, super happy, annoyed, cell phone, happy

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