Super Secret Pig Latin Upload! XD

Jan 03, 2010 10:37

Okay darlings, here's the drill:

I've got the lovely new tkcaG single for ya'll (read it backwards, I'm trying to hide from search engines) - evilA ediR eht yatS. I bought the special edition version while I was in Tokyo on the 1st, so that means I have all three tracks plus both bonus DVDs.

I'm more than happy to share, but I've heard too many accounts of the TKCAG gestapo surfing about on the internet and getting LJers banned for sharing his stuff, and I'm trying to avoid that - so this is how we're going to handle this. If you'd like the download links, follow these simple steps:

o1. Comment on this entry. In the subject line, write 'Cool like plastic!' so that I know to read your comment right away (lest it collect dust in my inbox for awhile.) In the body of the comment, write what you'd like - the .mp3s, the DVDs, or some combination. Also tell me if you want Megaupload or Mediafire. (If you're not sure, I've included the list of file names at the end of this entry - written backwards, of course. XD) Please try to avoid writing out the regular titles of the files you want, for the same search-engine related reasons - either copy and paste the backwards version, as I've written in, or just include the track numbers.

o2. I send you the files, and all is happy and LJ banned-free. Huzzah!

If you do take this upload from me, you're welcome to share the files, as always, with other people and communities. However, be advised that you do so at your own risk. Some artists are watched more heavily than others for these sorts of things, and Ga-san seems to be one of them. So be careful where you post the files!

Here's what the new single contains (again, read backwards):

Audio CD:

o1. evilA ediR eht yatS
o2. tidE cissalC evilA ediR eht yatS
o3. latnemurtsni evilA ediR eht yatS


o1. mliF cisuM evilA ediR eht yatS
o2. .rev elgna itlum evilA ediR eht yatS


o1. mliF cisuM edaceD eht hguorht yenrouJ
o2. mliF ameniC cisuM edaceD txeN ehT
o3. ~tidE leaR~ mliF cisuM evilA ediR eht yatS
o4. "evilA ediR eht yatS" fo gnikaM

Sorry for the pain-in-the-ass-ness of this, guys, but I had a really long debate over whether I should risk uploading the files and this was the happy compromise I reached. Hopefully someone actually wants the things after all this trouble. XD

Cheers, and Happy New Year! ♥
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