Jun 30, 2004 02:19
tonite was fun!
i'm going to miss you carli!
OMG the boi from over yander totally wants me nuts! hahahahah
That's crazy... tonight was almost perfect... i just wish "he" would have hung out! i know he doesn't like me anymore but for some reason i'm still like... i don't know... weird! i don't know, i know i don't have the same feelings anymore and i know he doesn't. but he's still a really sweet guy. i don't understand, where did i go wrong? maybe i went wrong with the whole thing... i kinda wish i could go back in time and do things differently. i don't know excatly know what i would do differently but i know i would go about it at a different way. i guess i'm admitting that i regret something. i actually do... i don't know exactly what, but i know that some how i made a mistake! sometimes u can't help but think what u could have had... oh wait nothin!
i'm totally annoying him and making him upset. and spite what he says it's the truth... i can tell, just by the way he talks to me.
i've caught myself being jealous and i don't know why! it's not like i had anything to begin with!
in the last couple weeks i've realized how pathetic i can really be. and for what? well i know what but i don't want to admitt it.
i got attached to something i couldn't have.
that's me... alwayz getting myself into trouble.
i guess i wish you the best and i hope that we can become really good friends. but i can understand... i really wouldn't want to be my friend.
i'm a fuckin' loser! i'm going to be getting my GED soon... that's a failure... but at least i'll be done with that bull shit and can move on... i really want to go to school for business advertising and marketing... but i also really want to do hair.. but i know what i'm going to end up doing and i really don't want to sell myself short.
lately i've noticed myself being more attracted to girls but i think it's because i'm hiding? or i want an excuse to make myself feel better? because the boi that i've fallin for i can't have... but isn't that my life story.
let's see. the first one loved his drugs more than me. the second loved his job more. and now... he loves his b.f more, wow... maybe that's how it's supose to be. i'm ok.
i know how i'm going to end up but i keep looking for something else "trouble" for some reason.
these last few weeks have been an emotional and physcal roller coaster for me, but i've enjoyed it throughly.
thank you. thanks for unthawing my heart just a little.