(no subject)

Oct 20, 2006 10:03

 I deleted the words so i can block them, didn't know how to delete the cut though.
Sum played and sang me a couple songs that she wrote, my god she's amazing. Sue had some friends over, so i wasn't hiding in my room, but i was watching telly in there, so she could hang with them alone, and when Sum came home we were both sort of hanging in our rooms, and she said 'i could play you a song'. So after a bit of practice in her own room she came in and i was sititng on my bed and she sat on the end with her guitar and started playing and singing, i was so completely blown away! She's so strong and stuff! And we heard a knock and sue came in, she was flabbergasted seeing sum with the guitar. She thought i had some old idols on telly or something, she so didn't expect her to be singing. Was really cool.

We had discussions and we're gonna go shopping in the city, me for a races dress and Sum for some shoes.

Seeing a band with Kat tonight, but gee i so can't be bothered! Wait... if i choose to feel differently, i would be bothered. Lets do that silly self.

Casey invited people to her place tomorrow night, i called and told her i had plans, even though i didn't. Last time i hung out with the highschool girls i had such a shit time, and that was only last week, i couldn't handle doing it again so soon. Since when did seeing them become such a chore? Casey said in a half joking way 'you have to get in so early with you guys now', meaning me and amelia i guess, the ones living nearer the city. I said 'dont be ridiculous, i dont do anything!' and in my head: 'it's you who is always busy. You who has no time for me. Just cos i happen to have friends who actually want to hang out with me at the moment, dont go saying it's my fault we dont see each other'. But i was more guilty than angry. I didn't want to go cos i dont want to spend my saturday hanging out with Casey and Van, and Amelia and Jules, and god forbid Kim and Joe. Is it so wrong for me to want to see my single friends on saturday night?

So i'll go out with Sue and Sum, and i'm gonna dress pretty and have a few drinks and have a great night. Of course, if i have a bad time i'll feel double guilty.

In other news, I seem to be swinging back the other way these days. Girls are... really starting to piss me off. Dont know what brought it on, no more than i know why i started swinging that way in the first place, but there you have it. And I'm gonna go with it.
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