(no subject)

Aug 03, 2006 09:18

Brought in the glam shots of me and mum to work. Ah my bosses are so funny. Taking my stereo home tonight. I'm so spoilt.

So, seeing Boffa this friday for dinner, I can't wait. Boffa knows what I'm going through right now. (Lets all scorn the highschool drama queen!!!) Although he's never actually been here, he'd know more than any of my straight friends, so yeah, he's such a good guy.

Julian's coming over tonight to give me his XBox - at least I think he's giving it to me. Otherwise he'll only charge me like $50 or something, cos that's about how much he reckons they're going for on EBay. So either way, he's still a dude.

And I asked Caseybelle if she wanted to go shopping at all this saturday, she suggested bridge road which would be awsome, so hopefully that'll work out.

Sue's gonna be moving in next weekend - feel SO anxious, what if she shits me? What if I shit her? What if something goes wrong like she spills red wine on the carpet on her first night and I can never look at her face without seeing the $100 she cost me, or somehting like that? I'm such a worry wort! I'm sure it'll be fine. Leah's staying over that night so I dont think i'll be paying much attention to what Sue's doing. Really.

Ok, now, work giving me stereo and what am i doing when i should be working? This, that's what. I'm evil.
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