Sep 18, 2004 01:15
Why is it that everyone seems to remember my birthday, except me?
At any rate, I was unable to get my act together in time to plan any festivities for this weekend, so next weekend is the current projected time frame. Probably Sunday, to accomodate those of you who are planning to attend Fetish Night on Saturday.
The general consensus was that people wished to shoot at one another, but that doing so with flying colours was too expensive and/or painful. The next logical step in this case, as with all other cases, is to resolve our differences using lasers.
So here is my proposed plan of action:
Sunday afternoon, (this would be the 26th), we convene at my apartment and prepare our minds for the upcoming conflict using a succession of images and sounds, while fortifying our bodies with a ritual preparation of [alpha]-D-glucosido-[beta]-D-fructofuranoside. At 9:30pm, Victoria gets off work and will join us, at which point those who retire early may do so, and the rest of us will head off to the New West lazertag arena. Games are, I believe, $7.50 each or three for $15.00.
Those who are interested, please let me know, so I can start making reservations.
(Update: it seems that games after 10pm on Sat are a lot cheaper... only $3.50 per game. Plus, no work/school the next day. So, to the relevant people: how dead-set are you on attending this fetish night?)