Nov 24, 2005 11:55
i think anti-wrinkle cream is the worst cream on earth.
I guess it's been a while since i updated. Nate's home in 2 days and im totally JAZZED. I want to have a homecoming party or something but it's so hard to organize these sorts of things. Especially when i don't have my own place to party inside.
yay, nate's coming home soon! I miss that ragamuffin so much i could vomit from longing.
Anyways, Thanksgiving today huh? I made a pumpkin pie last night and im going to bring it over to my mom's house for FEASTING! yums.
well i hope you all have wonderful thanksgivings.
If you wanna hang out friday or sat, comment or call me or something because i have nothing to do and too much time to do it in.