stolen from
mos_self a meme about first times in fandomland. I just couldn't resist.
First TV show I had self-insertion fantasies about:
Earth: Final Conflict. I was so in love with Da'an... I was 13 or 14 at the time I think. I wanted to be Liam and Lili. I wanted to play to that silly game and I wanted to touch its hand. Yeah I had the worst crush on a bald asexual alien who wore only purple.
(but I may have dreamed of being Jim Hawkins or Cyrus Smith a few years before... and of course being one of Parker Pyne's helpers...)
First fandom in which I interacted (online and in person) with other fans:
Ayashi no Ceres... at the very end of the 90's, beginning of the 2000... I was 15 or 16. Before LJ, I think we were discussing on egroups before it became yahoo!groups.
Pairing in the first slash fanfiction I read:
Toya/Aki (thank you
fuyu_tokyo), again from Ayashi no Ceres (most of my first where in that fandom, my first illegal download as well)
First RPS/RPF I read:
I don't usually read RPF/RPS. But I sometime stumbled upon some when I was in the Smallville fandom. NOT MY FAULT !! Michael Rosenbaum and Tom Welling were just asking for it. XD
First fanfiction I read that made me think, YES, this is exactly the kind of fanfiction I'd like to write...
I've read many fanfictions before but one that always stayed with me and that I occasionally read again is Omiai (Clex). It was a very beautiful AU, I wanted to be able to write like that (and fell short every time). Of course now my all time favorite is the wonderful A Deeper Season (Vorkosigan Saga). I don't want to marry but I would hesitate if she puts her hands between mine. That's how much I love that fic. I know, I'm silly. XD
Pairing in the first fanfiction I wrote:
I know it was in the Ayashi no Ceres fandom but I can't say which pairing for sure. Maybe something with Kagami and Toya or Aki ou Aki and Toya. I tried very hard to forget about that for years and I guess it worked ! Yeah ! (it was horrible. I swear, horrible)
First OTP:
I read every damn fic I could find about that pairing at the time. First thing in my head in the morning, last thing in my head (mostly because I was imagining countless scenarii in my head every night) before sleeping. I cheating on that pairing a few time with Snape/Harry and Lucius/Harry (yes, well, I had a few things to work out a the time), but truly in my heart, it was all about them. I'll always remember while reading The Half-Blood Prince how much I wanted Harry's obsession to be LOOOOVE.
First RPS/F OTP:
I don't have any. I don't like it. And I don't think Colbert/Fick is RPS. NO NO NO NO NO NO. GenKill is a work of fiction. When I think Nate Fick and Brad Colbert I'm thinking about Alexander Skarsgård's ass and Stark Sands's baby blue (disclaimers : I don't know if Sands' eyes are really blue... they are light. I think). I don't care what you say.
First fannish friend I met in person:
I think it must have been
fuyu_tokyo. At a Japan Expo... the one which took place near Austerlitz... I think it was in 2001? 2000 ? Something like that. I saw Mvandaline that year also. From the same AnC group. I still have a few pictures of that Japan Expo... Karin with a Konci's bag (a poster I think). I had the worst haircut ever, and I had made t-shirts... so ugly my eyes bleed when I see them now (and yes, the Toya vs Yuki war was very much on).
First character I formally roleplayed:
All my first where in that fandom, that's a fact. Shuro from Ayashi no Ceres. I still can't listen to Mugen No Kaze without wanting to cry. Lucius from HP came later.
I think I spend the day reading, editing and writing. I read and beta-ed
camille_miko's lovely H50 ficlets for her marathon (and girl, you need to stop writing heartbreaking stories, T_T) and I worked on my fic for
harlequin_folie. I think it's going to be long. I think I must write faster if I want it to be finished in two weeks. I haven't written even half of the story...
I'm reading The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. I think I'm finally getting into the story but I still don't like Flavia very much. She is such a horrible little psycho...