Katrina, pretty name but fierce bitch

Sep 07, 2005 22:03

I am really floored by the reaction, or lack of, by everyone---FEMA, the federal government, George Bush, the local government, the governer, the NOPD...I could go on. Granted--I am not down there, but I have heard atrocious reports from people who were about the reactions of people. I'm proud to say that the only heroic reports have been about the nurses and docs who've stayed down there (well, residents, not regular MD's) and manually pumped respirators for people. All I can say is that I am proud to be in this profession. I wish I could be down there helping the NOLA folks out w/medical care or what ever

As much as I've been able to pull my head out of my own ass about *my* life, that is. So much going on-- nursing clinicals takes 16 hours out of my week, work another 24-28 hours. Not to mention actual class time and studying. But I really prefer to be busy, or else I get lazy and depressed. I am happy to report a passing grad in Med/surg so far. I am realistic in that I am not an overachiever--thank god-- but I do want to pass and learn what I need to do on the units.

I am thinking of one friend in particular--she is going for a final treatment at some Virginia clinic. Her and her husband want to have a boy, they have 2 girls now. For some reason this is important to the both of them, and I send good thoughts and intentions their way.

I wish Mark Sandman hadn't died, I never even got to see Morphine in concert at all. At least I've seen Skinny Puppy, Bauhaus, Love & Rockets, The Pixies, Nick Cave and Neko Case. You've gotta have heroes--even if mine are into sex, drugs & rock'n'roll.
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