
May 28, 2005 10:52

It's funny: after being extraordinarily busy and stressed all the time, this whole having time to do nothing is.....strange. I'm finding I am sleeping more. I get depressed when I have nothing to do actually and I do much better under deadlines. I'm so weird about planning my time. When I"m busy I get this uber ambitious list in my head about what I have to do at home to get organized, etc. Then when I actually *have* the time, I do half of the list and then get bored and depressed. The house is clean. The dishes need done. The TV has been on too much lately. Arggh!!! I did finally frame some stuff I wanted to frame: a painting by my grandmother and some prints we got on our honeymoon in Alaska. Ron and Bev are coming to visit soon, my one class will be starting after that and Comfest is coming up. I luuurrrve Comfest.!! It's so laid back, and there is much beer imbibement, music to listen to and hippy food to eat. I know other folks think it is a stupid festival but their loss, eh?

We are under constant attack from the ants in our house. I have this body scrub w/ sugar in it. The day after I used it the ants had invaded our bathtub because I hadn't rinsed out the tub thoroughly enough. Mike and I decided they must be crawling *up* the pipes to get to it. We spill a little coffee and they are there. On the plus side we are keeping the house very clean, not clutter-free.

I got my grades: a B in pharmacology and a C in the other. Considering 25% of my class is either flunked out or dropped out now, I am thrilled. I am eating this Greek salad *to die for* from Tommy's Diner. Mmmmmm...veggies.
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