It's been a hectic week and I've had not enough sleep

Oct 17, 2002 12:09

Between working, working out, class and random stuff, I've been tired. Stayed out late for a show at Outland--Android Lust and Oneiroid Psychosis. Had a great time seeing people I don't regularly see and people I do see usually. The bands were okay: opening band was Filament 38, which is, eh, alright. Pretty generic sound, if you ask me. Nothing very interesting, except their hair and makeup. Well, shit, they tried which is more than I can say for some bands...

Oneiroid Pychosis was great-- they have a very distinctive sound which is great for those late nights when you have the heebie jeebies and want to keep it that way. A friend and music conissour extraordinare, Alan, said their new stuff blew, to put it bluntly. I bought the album, against his recommendation, and the insert art disturbed me. I guess that was the point. The music is okay, but not as good as the other one I have, first or second (can't remember)?

Android Lust blew big chunks of necrotic lung cancer. I heard various things from people: that the sound guy was fucking with them intentionally; that the sound guy had nothing to do with it, they were using there own production stuff which didn't mesh with the sound equipment at outland, and also that outland is a shitty place for live acts because the accoustics of the place suck.

Personally, I believe a little of all of the above. All I know is that I couldn't hear the vocals and when I could, they sounded off key (and not intentionally off, like some raspy industrial acts). The music itself was fine, I guess. Not nearly as gripping as Oneiroid (Hemorroid Psychosis, as Ted calls them). Nothing that stood out and grabbed my attention, other than the general disarray and disorganization of the sound.

The other thing is, the band seemed to not care. The just played on in the exudation of coolness that must have been a facade. I mean, c'mon, they must have known that the sound was awful, but they didn't seem to care. People started leaving in droves.

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