saw an androgynous guy on the shuttle bus today!
he had a very cute mushroom haircut (somewhat like G dragon's haircut
here, but with a slightly longer back. his hair was more untidy/curly too)
i couldn't help but stare since he turned in his seat so he was facing his friend who was sitting behind him (and me lol). at first glance i
thought, "oh that boy is cute". after a 2nd and 3rd glance, it was like "wait, is that really a boy?" his shirt sleeves were pulled up a bit, so his shirt looked like it was of feminine clothing style. he was small-ish compared to the friend sitting next to him (they looked really cute together hahaha. his friend had a really nice profile and cute hair too. but it was a boy's hairstyle) and he had a rather slender frame. he was smiling so much that it was difficult to look away from him. (i even plugged in my earphones to distract myself, but my eyes kept straying back to his face and hair lol)
but when he stood up, the illusion was shattered. his chest was flat, his shoulders too broad for a girl and he didn't look that much like a girl anymore. oh wells.
his haircut was super cute tho, i want to cut my hair like that!
this is such a random frivolous post :D