Better late then never :)
Friday Fiver
1. How many weddings have you attended? Lets see...including MINE :)...4 or 5?
2. Wedding registries: buy from the list or freestyle it? Depends. If you know something the couple would really want, go for it. If not, there's a reason we spent so much time on that thing damn it! :)
3. Are you more likely to slow dance or participate in the chicken dance? Both :) I like to be crazy at events like that :)
4. The garter find/toss experience: cute or tacky? Ehhh I'm not crazy about it, but we did it :) We were tasteful stripper music!
5. If you could marry someone famous, who would it be? Totally Charlie from Numb3rs. Or Radar from MASH :) Although that's really characters and not people, it's the best I could do.
Alt Friday Five
1. What gender do you consider yourself? umm...female?
2. Is this the gender you were assigned at birth? you betcha! :)
3. Do you like being your current gender? Why or why not? Sure. I'm girly enough to enjoy it most of the time. Although ask me on another week and I might have a different answer :) Parts of being a girl suck the big one :)
4. If you could change one thing about how society perceives/constructs your gender, what would it be? (don't go nuts here, I know the response to this could make for several doctoral theses) Oh I don't know. I'm totally the wrong person to ask this question. I guess I would want society to not let preconceived notions affect anyone, women included :)
5. Everyone gets their ideas of what it means to be "a man" or "a woman" (or "a boi" or whatever) from somewhere (parents, movies, magazines, books). What was the single biggest influence on your gender identity? Probably my parents :shrugs: I'd say they were most likely my single biggest influence period :Grins:
In other news (I'm fond of the phrase it seems) Today sucked. It was a bad teaching day, and I left definitely hating babies, my place of employment, and my chosen career. :wrinkles nose and sighs: But after a snow cone sugar rush and some much needed sympathy from my parents and spouse :Grins: I'm feeling much better. Now as long as I don't have to see another baby till Monday.....