(no subject)

Nov 26, 2011 10:56

[The device is hanging from the base of Janine's neck. There's a fringe of pale not-hair, which on that part of her body is fluffy and almost cravat-like, hanging over the upper edge of the screen. Most of the rest of her isn't visible, but wing-arms on each side and the underside of a perspective-distorted long beak are coming in and out of view.]

[She's on sand, using a big clawed left wing-hand to drag large flat shells and bleached white sand dollars out in front of her, extending her beak to pierce each with a pock! and, more often than not, a crack! as it breaks. Then, if it's intact she scoots it out of view across the sand with her beak; if not, she uses a big clawed right wing-hand to drag the pieces away and, after a pause, there's the left again.]

[Meanwhile, she's projecting a certain song. It's not quite a recording; there's the instrumental fine, but the words are a little off, and the singer sounds similar to but not exactly like Phil Harris.]

*pock-crack!* Now give me the secret man-cub! *pock!* I made a deal with you! *pock-crack!*

Come on *pock-crack!* clue me, what you'd do *pock-crack!* show me the powah, of man's red flowah- *pock-crack!

[There's a frustrated caw.]

[polychromatic], oh look shiny things, not cursed, art and the modern pterosaur

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