I shall distort your friends lists!!!

Sep 05, 2009 00:51

"Can you box this up? She's being a bitch."

So after thinking and talking things out with a mutual friend, things have calmed down in my absolute rage toward Oversensitive Romanian Bith (hereby abbreviated ORB). But at the same time, if she pulls anything like that ever again, we're having a talk. And, for those who envision lasers coming out of my eyes, smoke from my ears and nose, and flames from my mouth... sorry, it's not going to be like that.

My talk is going to basically be "I'm tired of walking on eggshells not knowing what random thing will offend you. I understand your pride in your heritage. Hell, I'm from Texas. We're the most arrogantly proud of our state motherfuckers in this damn country. But at the same time, I have no idea what random thing I'll do in an attempt to be nice will actually be a death insult to you. And as you have shown absolutely no desire to possibly see things from a different perspective, and possibly see things from a different cultural standpoint (DESPITE YOU LIVING HERE SINCE YOU WERE 13 I MIGHT ADD), I really don't see any reason to cater to your whims, wills, and points of view. I think we can work well in a professional relationship, but I cannot be friends with someone when I'm afraid of being insulted and called rude or disrespectful simply because I tried to be nice, and it was misinterpreted. I cannot be friends with someone who constantly thinks that their way of thinking is the absolute best way and refuses to even attempt to see how other people might interpret things."

Or something like that. Maybe in less words "You're a bitch. Please go away and leave me alone. Forever." or more.. but that's the current mood I'm in considering her. If anyone has any suggestions on how to say or explain it all in such a way that does not offend all of Romania back even when Vlad was impaling people, please let me know.

On that note, I asked a friend on a game I play about ORB. This Game Friend is 21, and has lived her entire life in Romania. So, not the "moved when 13 and lived in America except for random summer trips back". I asked about the pride, the actions, and all the "Oh, it's just how we do it." stuff. The response..... Something along the lines of "Holy shit, what the fuck, seriously dear God I am not claiming that person as Romanian no matter where she was born so please don't think bad of our country because she's obviously just a massive uber bitch!"

It was kinda funny. Particularly when she commented that ORB was "poorly brought up" (ORB is insanely proud of her father raising her alone and will loudly declare that he was the best and greatest parent EVARS), and that she was "from peasant stock" (due to her attitude.. there's an explanation for that). There were other things said, but all in all, I was insanely gleefull to hear that it wasn't "Romanian" to act the way she does. It's just that she's a bitch.


I miss a lot of things from Austin. But most of them I can find in some form or fashion here. They might not be as good (seriously Georgia.. it's called queso, not cheese dip), or be good in their own way, but I can still find some version of the things I love and miss.

Except for kolaches. Those delightful things made of happiness and sweet dough that the Czech, Serbian, and German settlers to central Texas brought with them. (Along with the desire to build giant water parks, apparently. Schlitterbahn, I'm looking at you. And missing you.) I could get kolaches shipped here via The Kolache Factory, or even from The Czech Stop... to the tune of around $120 for 3 dozen (minimum order). Yeah, not really wanting to pay that much considering I am a grad student.

So I did what every person addicted to the wonders of the intarweb would do. I searched "kolache Georgia". And found that, supposedly, there is a Kolache Factory franchise location in Atlanta. And not only in Atlanta, but in the north east side of Atlanta so it's (relatively) close to me. Supposedly. I haven't taken a trip to find out, but it should be there. What worries me is that the only things I can find on it is a citysearch review/map page, and an article from 2004 about how there are plans for one in Georgia. Franchise locations are not listed on the corporate website.

I guess I could just call the number listed on the citysearch page instead of driving 2 hours round trip to find out that they don't exist. But what's the fun in that?

(I will likely be calling them tomorrow morning when the sun shines bright and full into my eyes thanks to my eastern facing window. If someone answers with "Kolache Factory", I'm immediately showering and driving like a bat out of hell to Atlanta.)


The Curse

This weekend is Dragon Con. The largest geek-fest convention in the country, except for E3 and ComicCon. Or so I've been told. The boy and I have had plans to go this Saturday for a while. And then he gets the plague. Or something like the plague. Maybe a plague enhanced cold. Whatever it is, he's been home for three days straight trying to expel it from his system. Colds do not knock him down like that. It's gotta be something plague enhanced.

Also, if you're going to have someone else pick up some over the counter meds for you, try to be more specific than [Brand name]. Particularly if you know that said person has never used anything like that medicine and probably has no fucking clue whatsoever what you normally use. Because if you don't, you'll likely end up with nasal spray with menthol in it.

It's IcyHot for your nose.

Supposedly it works, though. Which is all he cares about. I seriously just grabbed the first box that said "Afrin".

Assuming he's still plague-ridden, I shall have to wait until next year to go to Dragon Con. My best friend is out of town saying her last goodbyes to her home kitties (they're being put to sleep soon). The boy has the plague. None of my other friends are anywhere NEAR geeky enough to even want to go if it were a free event. Much less pay $50 or more to go. And Dragon Con is just not something you go to alone. Or at least, I don't go to alone. And it would just feel weird going with the boy's younger brother all day. Not that I don't like his brother. He's a really really cool guy. Just.. .would feel weird as hell.

The Man With Two Brains

Seriously funny movie there, for the record. Weird, but it's got Steve Martin, so it's amusing. Anyways. I wish I had a screwtop head like they have in the movie. So I could unscrew the top of my head to pour liquid valium or something on it. I've seen more 4am's this week than this week has days. I don't know how that works out, but it does. I think. Or maybe the sleep deprivation is making me hallucinate.

Sleep deprivation! Cheaper than shrooms!

I rarely (if ever) have caffeine anymore. A coke at dinner, or coffee at 9am lab meeting (oh fuck you 9am lab meetings. And why must my advisor's wife always always ALWAYS sit next to me?! Can't she see I want to fall asleep?). Consdering my schedule, I don't nap in the middle of the day. Considering my eastern facing window, I get woken up around 8am nearly every morning by the annoying fiery ball in the sky, so I really don't sleep in. Yet every night, even if I turn the light off at 10, I find myself face to face with my clock saying 2:30. Or later at least.

Someone suggested wine. Tried that last night. Ended up being awake till 3 or so and still woke up a few times. At least it didn't give me the heartburn that normally accompanies my attempts to sleep after having any alcohol.

Someone suggested meditation. Probably a good idea. But by the time I learn to meditate successfully, I'll likely be delirious from too little sleep anyways. Or something.

And I'm too stubborn to take drugs. At least, drugs with the intent on getting me to sleep. Partially for a good reason. I can't guarantee 8 hours of sleep a night. There are times that grading or other work keeps me up late, and then I have to get up early the next day. So the normal "8-10 hours of something that looks like a coma" won't work. But also because I'm just a stubborn old bitch who doesn't like things messing with her head. Or people.

Though tonight will likely be me taking a shot of some nighttime cold medicine. Just for the antihistamine's side effect of drowsiness. Don't judge me.

On that note: Do not, for any reason whatsoever, get Tylenol's liquid cold stuff in the "Warming tea and lemon" flavoe. It is the most vile substance ever known to man. Seriously. It's worse than any liquid medicine you've ever tasted. Or at least that I've tasted, and I've had a decent amount in my lifetime. (Oh liquid amoxicillin, how I miss you and your bubblegummy flavor.) It is seriously absolutely disgusting. I should have known this, as the liquid is brown. Not beige, dark yellow, or dark purple to look almost black. It's brown.

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