Jul 07, 2009 11:07
Not much really has happened. Though I did have to look at my own journal to remember what the hell I had said last time. Oh yeah. No more rotations. Have a lab home. That bit.
Ok, so lab stuffs aren't going so great. Things aren't working. But hey, that's the fun of grad school, right? I live for that 1% of the time things actually work. And then I go out drinking. Or stay in drinking. Alcohol is there, that's the important part.
Anyways... I am in a rare happy bouncy "The world is AWESOME!" mood this morning. Well, it's not so random. There are a few things that contribute to it.
1) I went to sleep at like... 11pm last night. Before midnight! And I slept most of the night, too! (damn kitties and 3am wanting pettins)
2) #1 was likely due to something I don't want to put here. Is a seekrit. Also, this seekrit also is making me happy, or at least feeling happy. Also, get your mind out of the gutter.
3) iPod on shuffle and listening while at work. I am such a music whore. Music makes me happy. I wish I would remember this more often. Every time I just sit and put my iPod on shuffle and tune out the rest of the world and just work on my stuff, I feel happy. I also dance around lab. I'm sure they think I'm strange. Or rather.. stranger.
4) LOAVES OF MEAT!! Kelly's mother (or her Mippy as she is called) made me a giant round loaf of meat! I <3 meatloaf. And her meatloaf is awesome!
5) Therefore, I brought my lunch. Carrots (because I am a rabbit), cherries (because I can't resist the fuckers), and a slice of a loaf of meat. Not spending money also makes me happy. And bringing my lunch somehow also makes me happy. I don't know why.