Oct 15, 2004 09:43
xD thats funny wells ne ways i think my dad said i was ungrounded becuase they decided to unground my brother and i bitched and said that what he did was worse than what i did(well supposetly he egged and threw paint balls at one of his former friends houses and he claimes he did AND HE LIED and i KNOW IT)so im going to alices this weekend cuz rara wont be here saturday x.x she is going to a friend of hers well i dont know what its called but its one of those i think religious things in which they do..well random things! ok! xD tehe uhm whatelse uh that means i can see SUgar saturday ^^ yay im happy >3 o yesh and my mom died my hair a bit lighter brown than what it normally was x.x grrr she so evil! i wanted it to be the same color! o wells *sigh* uh whatelse uhmm Next weekend i think its Oni COn! whoo HOOO >3 but i still need to give alice a present cuz were going to oni con in houston for her bday seince the 24th is her bday >3 this weekend i need to go to baybrook and go to spencers and buy her this hat thingy she has always wanted its one of those football hat thingys that has two side compartments for beer with two straws tto the mouth and instead she is gunna put MD in their >3