
Dec 03, 2005 21:22

Et ben, je reprends les bonnes habitudes de rechercher les tests débiles, en voilà un qui trainait dps qlqs tps sur mon disque dur: quel homonculus êtes-vous!

Quel Homunculus es-tu?
par Quizilla

Et encore un autre!

Quel personnage de FMA es-tu?
par Quizilla

Cette fois-ci sur ma date de naissance hum...
Your Birthdate: August 19

Your birth on the 19th day of the month adds a tone of independence and extra energy to your life path.
But at the same time, it poses a number of obstacles to overcome before you are able to be as independent as you would like. The number 1 energy suggests more executive ability and leadership qualities than your path may have indicated.

A birthday on the 19th of any month gives greater will power and self-confidence, and very often a rather original approach. However, a somewhat self-centered approach to life that may be in conflict with some of the other influences in your life.
This 1 energy may diminish your ability and desire to handle details, preferring instead to paint with a broad brush.

You are sensitive, but your feeling stay somewhat repressed.
You have a compelling manner that can be dominating in many situations.
You do not tend to follow convention or take advice very well.

Consequently, you tend to learn through experience; sometimes hard experiences.
The 19/1 is a loner number and you may experience feelings of being alone even if you are married.
You may take on a tendency to be nervous and angry.
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
Celui là par contre je trouve qu'il me ressemble assez... Si j'ai l'impression être seule? Ca m'arrive, même souvent ces temps-ci... mais s'il doit en être ainsi, il n'y a pas grand chose à faire, je ne me suis jamais sentie très à l'aise dans les relations humaines, mon célibat interminable ne me surprends donc pas...

des tests...

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