Feb 02, 2005 14:00
Day 161
lauren now has a LJ and yay! for that.
jasons schedule for next quarter sucks, leaves both little time and less gas, and if he doesn't get a new job i don't know if he'll be able to pay for all this stuff (try to remember people in VA who are going gas isn't that bad, up here its $2.15 most places)
can't help feeling bad cause don't have a car and therefore he has to drive me wherever we go :( he says he doesn't care but still that so much money, damn money, its the source of all my strife
man this is just a crappy week, am hoping for an upturn, really am, but doesn't look like one if forthcoming and am v. upset *sigh*
yesterday has been the worst day in quite awhile and would be very happy if could just somehow erase its existence from the annals of history and start fresh
hate people that use their own religious or moral beliefs to explain political policy, that’s how we get genocide people, mixing politics with religion has never been a good idea that’s fact and your not going to change it so stop using dirty tricks and sob stories to make the other side look immoral and uncaring its wrong and does nothing but prove that you can’t defend your points without lowering yourself to the most basic tactics possible kay?
besides just because i don't force my beliefs on others doesn't mean i don't have them okay?
and really isn't worse to openly persecute people because their beliefs are "wrong" in your views, god the hypocrisy is overwhelming
anyway am in a bad mood and am still sick (though on the plus side can now breathe, breathing happens to rank very high on my list of priorities) have resolved to go outside for at least 5 minutes everyday and am doing my best to stick to that but we'll see if that helps
also jason remains damn near perfect, even putting me up calling him at 10 last night to vent and cry because people are so damn stupid somedays he really helped me and am truly grateful, he soo good that even when he has a million other things to worry about he'll still stop and comfort me and damn ya just gotta love that
and best of all the suns out, snows really pretty when the suns out, it makes the whole world look that much brighter