Journal #39

Apr 04, 2005 16:18

Day 221

on two rather unrelated notes, would like to declare my love for both rufus wainwright ( and the art gallery of ontario (

becuase both have made me very happy this weekend :-D

went to toronto this weekend, was very fun despite being cold and wet (ick) went to the distillary district (which is a series of art musems not beer manufactors) and discovered an amazing artist who works with free-standing sculptures (tolla inbar)

also saw possibly the coolest wedding dress made entirely out of glass (hard to wear but beautiful anyway) and the worlds most expensive chandeiler (700,000 USD)

found an interesting little hole in the wall and listrened to some amazing bands and one set of boys who had not yet hit puerbrty, felt like an old woman and had a small mental breakdown, damn :(

the AGO was FANTASTIC! they had an exhibt called "massive change" which focased on how art and design can help the world and protect our enviroment and was so increadible that it can't even be described

all in all canidia was fun and enjoyed running around and hanging out with my art club buddies (roomie included)

so this weekend equals (all together now) SOOOO GOOOD!

Tinkerbelle's Survey: Have You Ever : 134 Qs

Created by Tinkerbelle17 and taken 119 times on bzoink!
Gone to summer camp?yes Refused to listen to a teacher?yesCried in public?yesBetrayed a friend?noMade a perverted snowman?:-DDone the splits?ow, painful but yesPicked flowers from other people's lawns?yesBeen grounded?for all of five minutesTripped on your feet?yesChecked under your bed before going to sleep?yesPlayed on a sports team?yesSpent all day on the computer?noWorn black nail polish?maybe?Forgotten a birthday of someone important?noHad a conversation with yourself?why of courseFallen asleep at school?yesLied to a doctor?yesBeen to a slumber party?yesHad a pillow fight?yesLied about your age?yesMade fun of someone to fit in?noStood up for someone who was being bullied?yesHeard people talking badly about you?yesBeen called fat?yesBeen called anorexic?noFainted?yesWorn an article of clothing without realising the tag was still on?yesKicked someone 5 years younger than you?yesCursed at a teacher?yesCried in front of a teacher?yesBeen told you were pretty by a teacher of the opposite sex?noCursed at a parent?i would be deadDone drugs?noHad sex?noCalled the police?yesMade a prank call?yesStolen something from a store?yesSaid a racist comment and meant it?noMade yourself throw up?noThought you were going crazy?yesDoubted your sexuality?yesLied to a teacher?yesWished you were dead?yesTried to kill yourself?yesGiven the finger to a complete stranger?yes, but only in trafficBeen to a concert?yesHurt an animal on purpose?no!!Broken something that was special to someone else because you were mad?yesCheated on a test?yesCopied off of someone else's homework?yesSworn at a little kid?yesDriven while you were drunk?noBeen in a car accident?noSpit in someone's food?noRan away from home?yes, sorta, long storyHeld a real gun?noWished someone would die?yesBeen beaten up?yesBeat someone else up?yesWished someone would be raped?noWondered what the world has come to?all the timeHad a crush on a teacher?yes but he was only 22 and a subAte so much you got sick?yesHurt yourself on purpose?noThrown a glass object so that it broke?yesCheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?noKissed someone you hardly knew?yesSmoked a cigarette?noBroken a bone?noBiten someone?;)Worn a mini skirt?yesMade out with someone of the same sex?noEaten dog/cat food?noStuck gum under a table?yesWritten on a desk at school?yesChewed a pencil?yesSpit on someone?noBeen spit on?noDriven over your lawn?yesTold your crush you liked them?yesSkipped class?yesWritten on a cubicle in a public bathroom?yesStayed up all night?yesEaten a bag of cookies in a day?yesBeen kicked out of a store?yesPut dog/cat food in someone's food?no Refused to pay someone back after you promised you would?noRead someone else's diary?noSworn at an animal?yesTripped in public?yesWalked into a pole?yesWalked into a parked car?yesFound someone much older than you very attractive?oh johnny Stapled your finger?yesLaughed at someone who was seriously hurt?maybeFound a bug in your cereal?yes and threw it outBeen so lazy you wouldn't get up to go to the bathroom?yesFell of the bed?yesPeed your pants at school?noWatched porn?umm sorta, another long storyAlmost drowned?yesHad a black eye?yesWent rollerblading and crashed into a bush?yesMade fun of someone because they were fat?noSnuck out of the house?noDyed your hair?noCut your own hair?yesBeen stung by a bee/wasp?yesClimbed on a roof?yesWorn gothic make-up?yesHad a contact break in your eye?noHad food poisoning?yesHad heat-stroke?yesBought an article of clothing and never wore it?yesCut yourself on a blade?maybeFallen on glass?yesWorn an article of clothing that was lime green?yesEaten a bug?not on purposeEaten something that fell on the ground?5 second ruleBeen to a shrink?noHad surgery?noNeeded braces?noWorn a bikini?yesFailed a test?yesFailed a class?noBeen teacher's pet?can't help itBeen teacher's least favorite student?prollyCheated in a game?noDanced in public?yesSlow danced with a guy?yesSlow danced with a girl?yesBeen afraid of the dark?yesSeriously thought of hurting someone else?yesHad a cavity?yes
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