Azel24's Halloween party:
april_arioka dressed as Counselor Troi from "Star Trek".
august_gee dressed as Optimus Prime.
avi_yamajimafan dressed as a conductor.
azel24 dressed as a new superhero: Radioactive Maximus.
coolchi dressed as the Marquis of Blythyvella.
eonis23 dressed as Herbert Hoover.
f_fantasymonica dressed as something next, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
freshwateronly dressed as Nosferatu the Supreme Vampire, though it looked more like a raccoon.
gigabytexx dressed as a spoon.
haku_n_hikaru dressed as Halle Berry.
harunomasu dressed as Sybil - except that Sybil didn't show but the other 21 personalities did, though it looked more like Lady Godiva without the horse and far too little hair!.
heart_set_afire dressed as the Governor of Indiana.
huipingggg dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
itsaharshworld dressed as a walking Guillotine.
jcubed_sales dressed as Kurt Cobain.
jhearty dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Booger Chickenlips".
kawaii_ayuka gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as your uncle.
kenken18 dressed as Rebecca Gayheart.
kestrell08 dressed as a can of motor oil.
luphminnie dressed as Camilla Parker-Bowles when she becomes Queen.
luphyama dressed as Ray Bourque.
moha144 dressed as the resurrected dead -- complete with the most convincing coffin.
monstrueuxnoir dressed as Helga the wisewoman, although the live snake was a mistake.
moon_kaka dressed as Pavlova the ballerina -- dancing on point too.
nakajimae dressed as Anna Nicole Smith.
newshfan dressed as a linebacker for the Buccaneers, though it looked more like Madonna.
newsnexexpress dressed as a assistant trade show booth bunny.
ocean_wind didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
pinkdaisuki dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Cloak of the Absence.
reon_shyness dressed as a giraffe.
rietha dressed as Lady Godiva without the horse and far too little hair!.
rosevic87 dressed as a ghost.
ryo_ken dressed as a character from "Rain Man", though it looked more like Andrew Johnson.
ryokimayuu dressed as a legal juice.
shigeshock dressed as the Silver Power Ranger.
shinhyerena dressed as blues legend Old Bones Blue.
smalltownsburns dressed as a RafaelDot Com, Inc. employee.
stellarsky08 dressed as a orange goblin.
waterlemon_chi dressed as the Viscount of Anaheim.
zouter dressed as Elizabeth Regina on steroids and roller skates.
Throw your own party at the
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