Ever since starting university I've stopped reading books. This has been a source of mild annoyance at myself, but I don't see that changing any time soon. I was driving to work yesterday listening to banal drivel on Radio 1 (I usually listen hoping to hear some music, but seemingly not at that time) and changed the channel. The radio found Radio 4, where I listened to some stuff and then a programme I now know as "Start the Week".
show this week was talking about kindness, and how the UK seems to be full of people being unkind. The guest argues that actually it's because we're afraid to be kind, as this brings us closer to people in a way that we might not be comfortable with.
It occurred to me that this is actually a very clever piece of psychology. By showing that being kind is actually showing strength, rather than being a weakness, it empowers people to be kinder. In theory. If you have a moment, I urge you to
listen to the programme - see what you think. I didn't get to finish as I finished my commute before the programme did.
I know it's not much, but it occurred to me that although I don't read books to learn more about the world around me, I do read stuff online (and take that with the large shovels of salt it deserves) and I could also now listen to Radio 4 during my commutes to get intelligent debate on current and relevant topics. It's certainly making me think more, in a positive way, which is good.