On 4/20 at 4:20 the main green turned into a mellow mob of thousands with a huge cloud of smoke hanging over it. Oh Brown. In the meantime on Wriston Quad, beneath a large white tent, another mob was busy throwing spaghetti at each other and spilling wine over themselves. Spring Weekend hath arrived. While all this was happening, ADPhi was hosting a High Tea on its front porch--High Tea usually would mean semi-formal tea made special by lots of yummy edibles, but this was 4/20 so it was...HIGH Tea. Made special by brownies in "original" and "4/20-themed" flavors. And then as people who partook of the latter began gradually losing their mental coherence, Tech House next door began launching water balloons down at us from their windows, to which we responded by throwing some back up at them and arming ourselves with waterguns. Unfortunately we lacked card access to their building and our resident lockpickers either weren't present or didn't have their tools on hand, so we resorted to breaking in through a window. I did not enter and so did not witness the rest of this account with my own eyes, but apparently the Tech House army barricaded itself inside one of its rooms, and the ADPhi invaders massed itself outside, unscrewed the peephole, and fired through the hole, totally winning the battle on enemy territory.
(Speaking of ADPhi and waterguns and invading dorms, we had this overnight pledge event where we pledges were entrusted with the house while we completed a treasure-hunt task by ourselves, when the house was invaded by a horde of zombies. Later I found out it was
Z-Day, the night when
undead wander the streets of Providence, but at the time we were like WTF are we supposed to defend the house from zombies? is this some initiation test of our loyalty and zombie-fighting skills? but then members of the brotherhood (who weren't supposed to be there) appeared with waterguns and fought off the invasion. And all was well, and to find out what life is really like in the frat we watched
Animal House, which apparently is based on a writer's experiences at the Dartmouth chapter of ADPhi back in the '60s, right before it was kicked out of the national organization. It's quite hilarious.)
Anyway, Spring Weekend was pretty awesome, partly due to our amazing band lineup, though according to
IvyGate, "it's hard to compete with an entire college of future East Village concert promoters."
velvet_janemine came from Yale to visit
mashexy and me for the Flaming Lips concert, and her presence was yay. The concert was yay too, with Wayne Coyne getting into a huge plastic ball and crowd-surfing/rolling. They had massive balloons bouncing over the crowd and confetti and streamers released at key points in the songs and dancers dressed up as Santas and aliens. Basically it was incredible. Some people stayed behind after the show and got to meet the band; apparently Jeanine had a conversation with Wayne about water poisoning and now she has an autographed message from him that says "Thank you for the pee story." God I'm jealous.
Jane, Masha and I then went to Meeting Street Cafe and devoured amazing sandwiches plus one of their famous massive cookies, hot from the oven and topped with ice cream. Mmmmm so good. We watched Amelie, and Jane told us interesting facts about sexual attraction that she was learning in her psych class, and about how her boyfriend who goes to the New School in NYC took a course entirely about fonts and is now in a course where the final project involves inventing an instrument and dressing up as a glam rocker whose outfit incorporates the instrument. Holy shit I'm jealous. But despite all that I'm still quite happy where I am and learning what I'm learning. Even if I am behind in every course. There'll be time for catching up--right now is the time for basking in the glory of spring.