Another puzzle

Mar 23, 2010 07:26

Physicians' Litigation Fears May Keep Medical Costs High After Reform.

In Newsweek (3/22), Sharon Begley, noting that although many lawmakers "remain opposed to" the newly passed reform bill "because it does too little to rein in medical costs," pointed out that "history is full of examples of imperfect legislation (Social Security, civil rights) being improved by subsequent bills." With that in mind, "there is no better place to start than with unnecessary care," and many physicians "couldn't get their nominees" for certain procedures in "fast enough," because "doctors hate practicing defensive medicine." But, "nationwide, physicians estimate that 35 percent of diagnostic tests they ordered were to avoid lawsuits, as were 19 percent of hospitalizations, 14 percent of prescriptions, and eight percent of surgeries," which amounts to some "$650 billion in unnecessary care every year."

And yet, the same people who oppose high coast of the health care, oppose caps & tighter regulation of malpractice lawsuits. Puzzling, isn't it?
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