Been a Long Time

Jun 11, 2005 16:24

It's been a long time since I have updated my journal. I kind of lost the desire to after a while there. always so much drama and then of course the worry of reading things that I shouldn't be reading about and saying things that I shouldn't be saying. It's nice to keep in touch with the people that I see on an everyday basis and those who have moved on to bigger and better places. Thankfully, Rachel has graduated and now I won't feel so bad reading about her expoits in the TaurAss or whatever else that dirty bird is up to (love ya too Rachel).

I do wish everyone a FANFRICKENTASTIC summer. be safe, be smarter than you think you are being, and those of you that I will see in the fall... get your rest. I will have been away from the verbal abuse for a whole summer the next time you see me. Those of you moving on to college or the workforce, take care, keep in touch and visit often. Cept for you Rachel, we don't need no stinking spartan's hanging around!

My Summer Vacation:
Taking 2 classes
training teachers in Grayling for 3-4 days
going to Saginaw Valley University for 3 days for Union training
Relay for Life
installing new computers in the lab and netwoking them (2-3 week project I fear)
1 week of vacation up north

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