Eleven things I love about the Eleventh Doctor

May 07, 2013 19:24

Because I am really feeling the Eleven/Matt Smith love after "The Crimson Horror." *g* That was a bit magnificent, wasn't it? ANYWAY (in no particular order):

1. He can't stand to watch children cry and will do just about anything to make them happy again. And he is SO GOOD WITH KIDS.

2. He never met anyone who wasn't important.

3. A part of him never stopped seeing Amy as that little girl he first met, as evidenced (IMO) by how he couldn't quite wrap his head around the idea of her as a grown, married woman who might, for example, want a bed big enough for two. *g*

4. He doesn't just say he's a thousand-year-old alien, he ACTS like an alien.

5. Sometimes he says or does something that just makes you feel how ancient the soul is behind that young, young face. Truly an old man trapped in a young man's body.

6. He took Clara with him not just because she was a mystery he wanted to solve, but also and more importantly because he loved her and lost her twice (debate the type of love--romantic/platonic/familial--all you want, but he obviously DID love her), and then the universe gave him a third chance to keep her safe and by his side so he grabbed it and held on tight.

7. Even though you know it's true for every Doctor, it's SO OBVIOUS with Eleven that the love of his life is and always will be the TARDIS. And not just in "The Doctor's Wife," but all the way back to "The Eleventh Hour" and as recently as "Journey to the Center of the TARDIS."

8. Sometimes he doesn't have a plan, sometimes his plans are ridiculous and sometimes completely worthless, and sometimes he even needs a friend to come to his rescue. And he HAS friends, not just companions!

9. Sometimes he doesn't see what's right in front of his nose, like Rory back from the dead and suddenly Roman. *g* And his reactions when he finally does clue in are always so great.

10. He can admit when he's wrong (some of the time, anyway *g*), but heaven forbid he have to admit to not knowing something. *grin*

11. That wide, exuberant, hearts-in-his-eyes smile. :-D

This entry was originally posted at http://azarsuerte.dreamwidth.org/499900.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

squee!, fandom, doctor who, ponds, clara oswald, eleventh doctor, tardis

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