'Ship meme

Dec 09, 2011 00:24

...snagged from a lot of people but primarily
dragonsinger because that's how long ago I started writing this post. Um, yeah. *g*

1. Think of up to 20 ships you support.
2. List them using descriptions of the characters involved rather than their names.
3. Have your f-list guess as many of the ships as they can.
4. Fandom hints will be given if asked in the comments.

1. They're on opposite sides of the law but he's still got her back. - Person of Interest, Carter/Reese
2. She sacrificed herself to save him and their city...more than once. - Stargate Atlantis, Sheppard/Weir
3. Every time she thought she'd seen the last of him, he turned up again with a whole new look. - Doctor Who, the Doctor/Sarah Jane
4. He would have broken all the rules just to ask her to wait for him. - Quantum Leap, Al/Beth
5. He would have followed him into fire, darkness and death if he'd only let him. - Babylon 5, Sinclair/Garibaldi
6. He broke the universe to save her and she left the universe to stay with him. - Doctor Who, Eight/Charley
7. It all started because of his package. - Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Lee/Amanda
8. He can't remember most of his life, she has memories of lives she never lived. - X-Men, Wolverine/Rogue
9. The three of them are canonically One. - Babylon 5, Sheridan/Delenn/Sinclair
10. Lack of superpowers never stopped her from being his equal. - DCU/L&C/SV - Lois/Clark
11. He wound up with her best friend in the end, but for a little while they were magical. - Eureka, Jack/Tess
12. These three ladies brought out the best in each other...and maybe even in the devil. - Eastwick, Kat/Roxie/Joanna(/Darryl)
13. It took eight years and amnesia for him to realize how much he needed her. - Campion mysteries, Albert/Amanda
14. He'd never managed to keep a job for long until he went to work for him. - NCIS, Gibbs/DiNozzo
15. She'll forever be grateful for the day he barged into her life and dragged her out of her shell. - Mysterious Ways, Declan/Miranda
16. Their parents are (im)mortal enemies but she's his most valuable ally. - Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus - Percy/Annabeth
17. He was known for his stiff upper lip, she for her sometimes startling frankness. - BtVS, Giles/Anya
18. They were brought together by their love for a very special little girl. - Heroes, Matt/Mohinder
19. They met eight years too late for him to have a chance at winning her heart, but their kids would've had gorgeous blue eyes. - X-Files, Doggett/Scully
20. They helped start a living legacy that would protect their adopted world for generations to come. - Pern, Sean/Sorka

This entry was originally posted at http://azarsuerte.dreamwidth.org/39905.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

movies, fandom, books, meme, television

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