Small update.

May 17, 2006 13:06

Today's my birthday but I'm not telling anyone. Horray for being 17.

Got invited to visit Duo's world. He said that there's a group of people there who have the same views that I have. So I may spend a few days there- so if I disappear people will know why.

Not as irritated about Mozenrath as I was a few days ago. Some people are right, if it happened not much can be done about it and it happened a while back. Most I can do is forget it and move on.

Dlet is getting married to Ori. I have to be honest in saying I was surprised since well...I thought Ori was dead. But I guess if I can come back, so can anyone else. I'm really happy for them, but I have no idea what to wear to a wedding. Only wedding I went to was Arithons and I was required to wear his house colors.

Maybe I'll go to the nexus and ask. Or I could not be stupid and just ask Dlet what is appropriate.

I'm still disturbed to think that Terra and her had a conversation about Terra being a fox. Though I'd lose both my hands to admit that I agree. She is...

I probably should go work on sorting those piles of books now, before I embarass myself.
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