[Player LJ]
lithographic[Player Name] Li
[AIM] trajectory muse
[Series] Teen Titans GO!
[Character] Raven
[Description] Raven's true age is unknown, but her appearance suggests that her mentality is about that of mid-teens. It is likely she does not age at the same rate as humans because of her half-demon parentage. She is depicted as having pale and greyish skin rather than a typical complexion, violet eyes and just above shoulder-length indigo hair. A diamond shaped red gem is embedded in the center of her forehead, although it is only visible when her hood is lowered. Her typical choice of outfit is a black bodysuit and a deep purple hooded cloak. The hood comes down over her face forming a mask-like cowl. The cloak is clasped with a round red and gold pin on her left front side, and this also serves as her Titans communicator, which blinks when there are warnings from the others. Her belt is formed from the same style buttons, linked in a loose chain around her waist; it seems to be more decorative than functional, since it doesn't hold anything up. Her legs are bare and she wears low boots the same shade as her cloak. [
[Personality] Raven's personality is extraordinarily complicated, which can be best explained by examining the factors which most strongly influence it. On the surface, she appears almost stereotypically "goth"; apathetic, nearly unflappable, and dryly cynical. She often tempers the team's naive enthusiasm with frank (if pessimistic) observations and frequently seems annoyed by the immature behaviour of her teammates. Raven is deeply invested in many occult and macabre topics, yet her knowledge often helps the Titans in their battles. Extremely intelligent and learned (she states that she knows English, German, Latin, Romanian, Ancient Sumerian, and Sanskrit) she is often found secluded in her room reading or studying.
As a result of her resolute suppression of her volatile emotions, Raven's mind has instead created additional Soul Selves in her subconscious to represent the facets of her personality which she does not acknowledge. These are encountered by Cyborg and Raven and are as follows: Green - Bravery, Grey - Timidity, Orange - Immodesty, Pink - Happiness, Red - Rage, Yellow - Intelligence, although there may be others which were not shown. In a couple of episodes, when Raven's power takes in the complete range of her emotions, her robes become pure white. (Oddly, this also happens when she becomes an emotional void in the alternate universe where she is only somewhat sane, and when she is transformed into a small child.)
The discontinuity between Raven's apparent disdain for her teammates' behaviour and her loss of emotional stability when they're removed from her is an interesting conflict. She relies heavily on the other Titans for mental support, finding common traits with all of them. Although it has been hinted that she may have romantic feelings for Beast Boy, the only time in canon which we see her profess feelings is towards the dragon Malchior, whom later is revealed to betray her. She was a staunch adversary to Terra's attempt to join the Titans (and a rival, to boot) who likewise later was proven to be a traitor working for Slade. Despite her inclination towards logic and facts, she has a strong and often accurate intuition when it comes to judging people. In her own way, she's highly possessive of the people she associates with.
The most important facet of Raven's personality is her Soul Self, which as implied is an extension of her soul which takes the form of a dark energy she's able to manipulate in many ways. These include, but are not limited to, telekinetic strength and mobility (she can fly by this method), teleportation, limited precognitive abilities, and under emotional duress can also display physiological changes. These things make Raven a formidable foe in battle, and she proves invaluable for her wide range of skills which also include spell casting and healing abilities. Some examples of her common attacks would be to "possess" objects in order to manipulate them physically (she explains that she has to put a piece of herself into the objects she moves), moving through portals of shadow which allows her to pass through walls or other solid objects and from one area to another (through another realm). Her powers are focused through the chant "Azarath Metrion Zinthos".
Her metaphysical strength comes at a high price, however. Due to her demonic heritage (being the daughter of the demon Trigon and the sorceress Arella in the realm of Azarath) Raven has a darkly tainted side to her abilities which directly feed off her emotional state and are reflected by her mental state. As a result she must meditate extensively (using the same "Azarath Metrion Zinthos" as her mantra) and why she projects the exterior of absolute calm. In several instances her powers are shown as astoundingly destructive when let run unchecked. When she and Starfire switch bodies, Starfire immediately triggers a swath of destruction on a street by being unable to control her strong emotions. When Raven tries to repress her fear of scary monster movies after a Titans movie night, her fears instead take tangible form and terrorize everyone until she can admit to them. And in rare instances when she does get angry, her body takes on physical changes alluding to her demon heritage such as displaying four red glowing eyes, and additional limbs, which she has used to scare the hell out of intimidate villains like Dr Light and Gizmo.
[Canon] Raven's impact on the series is less pronounced than some of the other Titans. She provides a logical and factual perspective that balances out the impulsiveness displayed by the rest of the group. She takes on the role of counsel and healer several times, and at the same time gives the others a focal point. The Titans regard her as a reliable and dedicated teammate and trust her judgment (usually) on matters of magical and spiritual matters, although sometimes their enthusiasm overrides their common sense, as it did with Terra and ignoring Raven's immediate distrust of her. They have made a regular occurrence of trying to get her to "loosen up" and join in their recreations. Raven is also the main source of the Titan's conflict with Trigon, her demon father. Overcoming his return to the world significantly changed her perspective on the others; she began to think of them more as friends than allies. In particular she connected with Robin, who rescued her when she was in her child-state. Her impressive powers have become an important part of the Teen Titan's battle strategy.
[Timeline] Post-series, including Trouble in Tokyo (movie)