The X-Files: het

Jun 07, 2005 14:08


Title: The Last Worthless Evening
Author: Anne Hedonia
Pairing: Doggett/Scully, Mulder/Scully implied
Summary: "A necessary emotional arrangement."
Link: The Last Worthless Evening
Why: Considered by many (me included) to be the definitive DSR fic, and one that doesn't ignore Mulder's place in the equation.


Title: Not My Lover
Author: Deslea R. Judd
Pairing: Krycek/Marita
Summary: Lover is too cheap a word to describe what they are to each other.
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Afterword
Why: Deslea is the queen of the Krycek/Marita 'ship and this is her magnum opus.

length: novela, genre: au, genre: futurefic, genre: backstory, genre: angst, genre: slash, genre: mythology, genre: het, pairing: krycek/marita, fandom: the x-files, genre: action, pairing: doggett/scully, length: mid, genre: romance

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