Angel/The Dead Zone
Title: Like Minds
Author: Perri Smith
Pairing: Cordelia/Johnny friendship
Spoilers: Angel S3, Dead Zone S1
Summary: Two seers walk into a bar...
Like MindsWhy: It's very poignant, and like the author says, they could both use a friend who knows what it's like.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/CSI
Title: Grave Survivors
Author: Jedi Buttercup
Pairing: none
Spoilers: Buffy season 6, CSI current season
Summary: First contact between two survivors.
Grave SurvivorsWhy: Even though I missed the CSI season finale, this rings true.
Title: Ever Shining
Author: Havoc (not the same one as "Her Father's Daughter" least I don't think so...)
Pairing: none
Spoilers: "Twilight"
Summary: Some new Immortals are more of a challenge than others.
Ever ShiningWhy: Probably the only post-"Twilight" fic ever that could be described as uproariously funny, and exactly how you'd expect the NCIS gang to react. *g*
Highlander/Stargate SG-1
Title: Cat's Eyes
Author: Tasha Duncan-Drake
Pairing: none
Spoilers: Highlander S5 (then in Denial), Stargate S4
Summary: Richie tags along when Methos is recruited to help Daniel translate something, and trouble ensues.
Cat's EyesWhy: A must-read for any Richie fan and an awesome crossover/action-adventure tale.
The Mummy/Stargate SG-1
Title: Where It Began
Author: Jedi Buttercup
Pairing: none
Spoilers: the movies
Summary: Someone has known about the Stargate all along.
Where It BeganWhy: A cool pre-series "what if?"
Stargate SG-1/Terminator 3
Title: Here at the End of All Things
Author: Jedi Buttercup
Pairing: Daniel/Sam friendship
Spoilers: only for the movie
Summary: Sam and Daniel and the end of the world.
Here at the End of All ThingsWhy: I've never seen the movie, but I still loved it. :-)