Stargate SG-1: friendship

Jun 05, 2005 23:40

Sam and Daniel

Title: Campfire Questions, 3-in-the-Morning Thoughts
Author: Perri Smith
Pairing: Sam/Daniel friendship
Spoilers: Stargate S3
Summary: A sleepless night off-world.
Link: Campfire Questions, 3-in-the-Morning Thoughts
Why: It makes me smile--a great friendship piece with a hint of UST but only if you're looking for it. ;-)

Title: Here at the End of All Things
Author: Jedi Buttercup
Pairing: Daniel/Sam friendship
Spoilers: only for the movie
Summary: Sam and Daniel and the end of the world.
Link: Here at the End of All Things
Why: I've never seen the movie, but I still loved it. :-)

pairing: friendship, genre: gen, pairing: sam/daniel, genre: ust, fandom: stargate sg-1, length: short, genre: fluff

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