May 01, 2005 10:00
"I'm here to report..she had some cadillac pussy, man it would drive you wild"
Sorry, I love this song.
So Wednesday is my last final unless I decide to take my saturday one. Not sure about that yet
but since I'll be here saturday anyway, I may end up taking it. But officially I'm moving
home on wednesday at 8 AM and I'm semi-excited. Home is just so boring now.
BUT I'll be starting my job with the DNR on the 10th, and that will be keeping me insanely
busy and sufficiently wealthy (10.16/hr....that's pretty good for me) so hopefully I can
pay off my credit cards and still save enough money to pay my rent next year.
Interesting night last night...eric was drunk by 7 pm (in other words, he was gropy and
flirtatious...this is what gets us in trouble...a LOT). We played some games, then went bowling
at 11:30 til 2:30 AM. Great times...I actually did pretty well! We had a blast. Then we came back
and played more games til 5:30...we all got into a fight...I left around 6 and came home to
study chemistry til 4 when Joe (*sigh*) came to pick me up and take me to a fish fry at his
friends' house. We watched Euro Trip (hilarious movie) and then took off. He came into my dorm
to help me figure out something with my chem grade..I walked him back out to his truck, and he
was SO cute. He has pink eye, so he was afraid to kiss me but he said "I really want to kiss you
but I don't want to give you what I've got....actually nevermind, are you willing to risk it?" and
I just laughed and obviously kissed him cuz that was just so damn cute. He's such a
sweetheart...I wish he lived closer so I could see him this summer, but he lives 15 minutes from
Kentucky and we'll both be super busy with work and everything, so we probably won't see each
other much, if at all. It's sad. I finally find a good one (that's NOT married) and can't see him
for another 3 months.
Anyway I need to be studying right now. yeah right. I'll probably pass out. I'm on Doxycycline right now and it's making me really sick. Yeah yeah, I know what you're thinking....but you can stop judging. Everybody makes mistakes.