I am making my journal "friends only" from here on. So I figured I'd post an insanely long survey if anyone is a bit curious about me.
Oh, and here is another pic I took last night. =)
1. What is your real name? Leslie
2. What is your birthday? january 20
3. Any nicknames? Lea
4. Which is better: summer or winter? autumn
5. Who are your best buds? I have a few I hang out with
6. How many people are on your buddy list? I think around 50
7. Are you friends with everyone on your buddy list? most of them
8. Whom do you hate? I don't hate anyone
9. Whom do you love? he knows who he is
10. Are you in love? yes
11. Have you ever been in love? I am now
12. Have you ever cheated on your g/f or b/f? yes
13. Do you regret #12 if you said yes? of course, but then I would've never met the person I'm seeing now
14. Who is your dream date? this certain guy in chicago...but then again, he'd be my dream anything
15. Have you ever been on a date? yes
16. Have you ever kissed someone? yes
17. Are you a virgin? nope
18. If #17 was NO then how many people? not tellin'
19. Do you regret losing it so young? no, I really wasn't that young
20. Do you think pre-martial sex is wrong? as long as you are both comfortable with each other and you are with the right person, I don't think it's wrong at all
21. Do you regret dating someone in the past, and wish you were just friends the
whole time? very much so
22. Who is your b/f, g/f right now?
justmederik24. Do your friends annoy you about your sex life? all the time
25. Do you think what Bill Clinton did was wrong? yes...but I don't think it should have been brought into the public eye as much as it was because it was mostly dealing with personal family matters
26. Guys: would you have done what Bill did, if you were him? n/a
27. Ladies: would you give oral sex to a married man? umm...NO
28. Do you believe in God? I really don't know
29. Do you believe in Aliens? not sure on this either
30. Do you believe in ghosts? I'd like to think there is another dimension to life out there, but not real sure
31. Have you ever seen a ghost? no
32. Have you ever seen an alien? no
33. What do you think about the Taco Bell dog? um, I don't really care
34. What is your favorite animal? cats
35. Do you like sports? yes
36. What sport do you hate? soccer
37. What sport do you love? hockey, baseball, football
38. Do you play sports? used to
39. Which ones? volleyball, tennis, cheerleading
40. Whats your favorite number? 7 and 14
41. Does your favorite # have a special meaning to you? not really
42. Do you ever wish that you can someday play pro sports? no...but wouldn't mind making that kind of money
43. If so which one(s)? n/a
44. Who is your idol? I don't think I have one...maybe Madonna...she rocks
46. Did you like Varsity Blues? it was okay I guess
47. Did you like She's All That? it was STUPID
48. Did you like any movie that recently came out? Spiderman, Star Wars Episode II and X-Men
49. Why do they always skip a question? ...a question was skipped?
50. What type of music do you listen to? 80's music, top 40, alternative rock
51. Do you smoke? no
52. If so; what do you smoke? n/a
53. Do you drink? sometimes
54. Whats your favorite alcoholic drink? ameretto cranberry
55. What is your bed time? I don't have a particular bedtime
56. Do you have a stuffed animal to sleep with? no I have a boyfriend to sleep with =)
57. What is your favorite soda? mountain dew
58. What is your favorite pizza? extra cheese and pepperoni
60. How many pillows? none
61. What do you sleep in? nothing
62. Do you wear make-up? yes
63. Boxers or briefs? boxer-briefs
64. Can you drive? I sure can
65. What do you drive? a mystic teal 2000 Hyundai Tiburon
66. What kind of car do you have? uh, didn't I just answer that?
67. What is your dream car? a Civic Del Sol except that it's modified with everything I want on it
68. Where is your dream vacation? I'd love to go to Japan
69. Do you like the beach? yes
70. Do you like the mountains? yes
71. Do you love your parents? of course, though they can get on my nerves sometimes
72. Do you and your parents get along? most of the time
73. Have you ever run away? one time when I was like 13
74. If #73 was a yes; where did you go? just went to my friends house
75. Would you ever steal a car? no
76. Have you ever stolen a car? no
77. Would you ever kill someone? only in self-defense
78. Have you ever been in a fight? yeah, but not physically
79. Do you like to fight? Fist fight? um no
80. What is your greatest accomplishment? it is yet to happen...get married to a really cool guy and becoming a mother
81. What is your favorite quote of all? "Some days, it feels like all I'm doing is rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic."
82. Who is your favorite band? Dave Matthews Band
83. What is your favorite movie? Mansfield Park, The Princess Bride, X-Men
84. What is your favorite song? I couldn't possibly choose just one
85. Do you have a TV in your room? yes, I own one
86. Do you have a VCR in your room? yes, I own one
87. When do you usually take a shower? usually at night before I go to bed
88. do you like to swim? I can't swim
89. Do you like jacuzzi's? yes
90. Do you like beer? no
91. Do you like to fish? on occasion
93. Do you like any outdoor activities? yeah I guess
94. When was the last time you participated in an outdoor activity? I can't really remember
95. Are you a happy person? sometimes
96. Do you have any really depressed friends? yes
97. If #96 was a yes; (insert retarted question here)? ummm.....
98. Are you depressed; or have you ever been depressed? yes
99. Have you ever commited suicide? ...would I be here if I did? I tried once when I was 15, luckily I was stupid and took 20 tylenol PM's...didn't do a thing to me
100. What could be so wrong to try such a thing as commit suicide? I don't want to write a freakin' novel!!
101. What is 32+69? I suck at math
102. Gap vs Structure? I don't wear those brands
103. Tommy Hilfiger vs Ralph Lauren? I don't care
104. Rap vs rock? rock
105. Tupac vs Biggie? again...I don't care
106. Korn vs Limp Bizkit? neither
107. Smoking vs Drinking? drinking...smoking is just...ugh
108. The '60's vs the '90's? the 80's
109. Jimi Hendrix vs Lenny Kravitz? lenny kravitz
110. Cereal vs Pop-Tarts? cereal
111. Are you getting tired? yep
112. WWF vs WCW? never watched them
113. Bowling vs pool? bowling
114. Cars vs trucks? cars
115. Dr.Pepper vs Mr. Pibb? dr. pepper
116. Sprite vs 7-Up? sprite
117. Mountain Dew vs Fresca? mountain dew
118. Coke vs Pepsi? coke
119. Beer vs liquor? liquor
120. Friends vs g/f;b/f? both
121. Chess vs checkers? checkers
122. Baseball vs softball? baseball
123. Basketball vs football? football
124. Top vs bottom? hmmm...both!
125. Regular vs bubble bath? bubbles!
126. Cake vs ice cream? ice cream
127. Chocolate vs vanilla? chocolate
128. Dancing vs partying? dancing
129. Dreams vs reality? dreams
130. Shorts vs pants? pants
131. Shoes vs bare feet? shoes
132. Shirt vs no shirt? shirt
133. Shower vs bath? shower
134. Tea vs coffee? sweet tea!!!
135. Burger King vs McDonald's? BK
136. Chic-Fil-A vs KFC? chic-fil-a
137. Applebees vs Chili's? chili's
138. School vs church? school
139. Doritos or Lays? doritos
140. Budwiser vs Coors? yuck, neither
141. Couch vs bed? bed
142. Tent vs tree-house? tent
143. Sheets or no sheets? sheets
144. Laptop vs desktop? desktop
145. Drunk vs sober? sober
146. Apples vs oranges? bananas
147. Summer vs winter? I answered this already...winter
148. Snow vs dry? snow
149. Rain vs sunny? thunderstorms
150. Cd's vs cassettes? CDs
151. Day vs night? night
152. Rent a movie vs movie theater? rent
153. Wal-Mart vs K-Mart? wal-mart
154. Bi-Lo vs Winn-Dixie? meijer
155. Poker vs rummy? rummy
156. Hotel vs back seat? hotel
157. Indoor pool vs outdoor pool? indoor
158. Guys vs girls? men
159. Cards vs computer generated games? computer games
160. Monopoly vs Scrabble? monopoly
161. Mario vs Sonic? mario
162. Hot vs cold? hot
163. Pizza vs sub? pizza
164. MTV vs VH1? MTV
165. TNN vs CMT? TNN (good...they don't play country music anymore)
166. Nascar vs Busch (racing)? nascar
167. Christmas vs Birthday? christmas
168. Chinese vs Japanese? japanese
169. Sex vs abstenance? sex
170. Is this too long for you? yep...if you are reading this far, then you are reeeeaaaalllly bored or just very curious =)
171. Online buds vs real life buds? hmmm...I'd have to say online
172. Chat rooms? I don't do chatrooms
173. Yahoo vs eXcite? yahoo
174. Brandy vs Monica? I don't care
175. Bill vs Monica? again...I don't care!
176. Saddam vs Fidel Castro? kill 'em both
177. California vs Florida? florida, because I've never been to california
179. Radio vs TV? TV
180. Homework vs classwork? classwork
181. UPS vs Fed-Ex? I guess UPS because of the cute UPS guys I've seen
182. Delta vs American? whatever is cheaper
183. Jonathon Taylor Thomas vs Leonardo Dicaprio? ugh...neither
184. Pamela Anderson vs Carmen Electra? again...neither!
185. North vs south? south
186. East vs west? east
187. Canada vs mexico? canada
188. 90210 vs Dawson's Creek? 90210
189. Jay Leno vs David Letterman? david letterman
190. White vs wheat? white
191. Paper vs plastic? paper
192. Trojan vs LifeStyles? whatever works
193. Jeopardy vs wheel of fortune? jeopardy
194. Life vs death? life
195. College vs high school? college
196. Swiss vs American (cheese)? um...pepper jack
197. Tongue vs no tongue (kissing)? I love both
198. Mustangs vs Mercedes' Kompressor? mustang
199. You have got to be getting bored! ...well I was bored to begin with!!!
200. Dogs vs cats? cats
201. Where do you live? somerset, ky
202. Where were you born? munich, germany
203. Do you lead an exciting life? I don't think so...not really
204. Do you wish that you lived somewhere else? oh yeah
205. Have you ever been on a cruise? no, but I'd like to
206. Have you ever been outside the country? well duh
207. What is your boyfriend/girlfriends name? um, I'll have to tell you that at a later date...it's a secret
208 and 209 went bye bye: ...you people are retarded
210. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? no
211. Do you eat breakfast? yes
212. Do you go to church? no
213. What religion are you? Methodist
214. What ethnic background do you come from? french-irish-scottish
215. Do you like to ride bikes? not really
216. Have you ever rode on a horse? yes I have RIDDEN on a horse
217. Have you ever been to Montana? no
218. Have you ever seen a three legged dog? no
219. Do you own any pets? yes
220. Do you like dogs? certain ones
221. Do you like cats? yes
222. What is your favorite book? anything by Jane Austen, Anne Rice or Francesca Lia Block
223. What would you do for a million dollars? hmmm...what wouldn't I do?
224. Do you have a million dollars? I wish!!
225. What color is your bed? black futon with a red comforter
226. What is under your bed? nothin'
227. Are you afraid of the dark? not anymore
228. Do you use a nightlight? yes
229. How many pairs of shoes do you own? around 15
230. What is your favorite magazine? Jane and Teen People
231. Do you wear a bra? ummm yeah
232. Do you wear boxers? to bed
233. Have you ever gone commando for a day? no
234. Have you ever met any famous people? yes, but most were just locally famous figures
235. Are you famous? uhhh no
236. What is your favorite holiday? christmas
237. What kind of perfume/colonge do you wear? avon perceive and bath & body works cucumber melon
238. Do you like Nike or Adidas? adidas
239. What brand of clothes do you wear the most? no real particular brand
240. Have you ever seen the Statue of Liberty? no, not in person
241. Who gave us the Statue of Liberty as a gift? france
242. Where did the hamburger come from? hamburg, germany I think
243. How much money do you have in your room? $33 bucks
244. How much money is in your pocket? nothin'
245. Are you rich? nope
246. DO YOU WANNA be rich when you grow up? no I want to be broke off my ass for the rest of my life!
247. Can you see your feet when you stand straight? yes
248. What color is your computer? it's a graphite grey iMac
249. What kind of computer do you own? macintosh
250. Do you have any piercings? ears only
251. Any tattoos? nope
252. Where is the best place to have fun? you can have fun just about anywhere
253. Do you wear a watch? sometimes
254. What kind of toothpaste do you use? rembrandt
255. What color is your toothbrush? pink and teal
256. What is on your mouse pad? Tweety
257. Do you have any fillings? yes
258. Have you ever had surgery? yes, twice
259. Are you happy with yourself? sometimes
260. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I wish I was more outgoing, less shy
261. Are you hungry? not right now
262. What is your favorite food? chinese food
263. Do you work out? sometimes
264. Do you ever feel like you're the worst person alive? sometimes
265. Are you goody-goody or naughty-naughty? I've been both
266. ever done? ...done what?!?
267. How many peeps are on your buddy list? ...didn't I just answer this?!?
268. Are you racist? no
269. Martin Luther King Jr. or Jesse Jackson? MLK Jr.
270. Do you like school? yes, when I was attending
271. What is your favorite college? FIT in New York City
272. What color is your hair? blonde
273. What color are your eyes? green
274. What is your height? 5'4"
275. What is your weight? 140
276. Do you have a big nose? nope, I like my nose
277. What are you gonna be in 10 years? probably married with a couple of kids
278. Can you sing? yes, somewhat
279. Can you draw? no =(
280. Can you play any instruments? no
281. Do you have a unique feature about yourself? hmmm, none that I can think of right now
282. Favorite subject in school? history, computer science, sociology
283. Least favorite subject? I hate math
284. Best teacher? I'm out of high school
285. Worst teacher? again...I am out of high school
286. What is your GPA? I averaged 3.5 in high school, and averaged 2.8 in college
287. How often are you online? once a day
288. Do you hate chain letters? yes
289. Have you ever snuck out? no
290. Have you ever borrowed the 'rents car without permission? no
291. Whats on the radio right now? 93.9...80's music =)
292. Whats the big news story of today in the world? a bomber killed himself with his own bomb when he fell from the bus he was on...haha
293. Which is better? ....ummm, okay
294. Do you have a good sense of humor? I think so
295. Are you funny? most people think I am
296. What are you obsessed with? music, anime, faeries, fantasy art
297. Do you kiss on the first date? yes
298. Who is your crush? I don't crush
299. Where would you rather be right now? in chicago with a certain someone...hehe =)
300. When was the last time that you did something good for someone else? I help my mom with chores around the house every day
301. I know you've got to be getting tired! yep...uh huh
302. Are you self-conscious, conceited, or neither? self-conscious
303. Favorite month? september, october and november (basically the fall months)
304. Favorite day of the week? saturday
305. Favorite year of your life so far? this year so far
306. Favorite thing to do in the summer? spend time outdoors as much as I can
307. Favorite thing to do in the winter? play in the snow and cuddle with my significant other if I have them at the time
308. Favorite candy? hot tamales
309. Favorite gum? cinnaburst
310. Favorite ice cream? mint chocolate chip
311. Do you like the group 311? never listened to them
312. Type of shampoo/conditioner that you use? herbal essences
313. Type of soap you use? softsoap body wash
314. Biggest loss in your life? my kitty Leroy
315. Favorite salad dressing? italian
316. Favorite pizza topping? cheese...lotsa cheese
317. Type of deodorant you use? um, don't laugh but...teen spirit (I love the berry scent)
318 is taking an extended leave of absense.
319. Favorite web site? livejournal.com (duh), nerve.com, disgruntledhousewife.com
320. Most romantic thing ever? when I am least expecting it...I like surprises
321. Where do you work? nowhere right now
322. Craziest person you know? all my friends are crazy
323. Most humiliating moment? umm...which one?
324. Have any kids? no
325. Do you want any kids, how many? yes eventually but not anytime soon
326. If you could be any animal what would it be, and why? a black panther or a leopard
327. Favorite smell? men's cologne
328. Worst smell? ummm, b/o
329. Favorite sound? really good music
330. Worst sound? nails on a chalkboard
331. Best feeling in the world? feeling loved and wanted
332. Worst feeling in the world? getting jealous, guilt, betrayal, rejection
333. Best concert you've ever been to? warped tour!
334. Lefty, righty, or both? righty
335. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie-Pop? umm...three?
336. Favorite thing do to on the weekend? sleep in late (wait...I do that everyday)
337. Have you ever played strip poker? yeah
338. Skinny dipped? no
339. Whats your zodiac sign? I'm on the cusp of capricorn and aquarius
341. Pen or pencil? pen
342. Coolest thing about your house? my kitty
343. Do you like rollercoasters? yes!
344. Are you afraid of heights? yes
345. Do you get motion sickness? no
346. Ever rode a bull? no
347. Ever kariokied? yes
348. Do you like thunderstorms? yes!!!
Look, 349 died.. poor 349
350. What color are the walls in your room? beige
351. Favorite store? barnes and noble, old navy, target, victoria's secret
352. Favorite flowers? moroccan roses
353. How do you dress? casual
354. Ever lied? yep
355. Ever cheated on a test? never have
356. Ever taken a test honestly? yes
357. Do you cry? yes
358. Is your hair long or short? really long
359. Most over played song? that "Heaven" song by DJ Sammy
360. Whats a good song that never gets played? like a lot of them!
361. Night owl or early bird? definite night owl
362. Would you rather be a snake or a zebra? zebra
363. Backstreet Boys or NSYNC? nsync
364. Beanie Babies or beanie buddies? beanie babies
365. Jeff Gordon or Dale Earnhart? I guess... dale earnhart
366. Clemson or USC? I don't care
367. Who has it easier guys or girls? guys
368. What is your favorite number? oh for christ's sake...
369. Have you ever had a 3 some? no
370. Would you ever have a 3 some? no way, I'm too greedy
371. Are you a good typer? somewhat
372. Are you wondering when this will ever end? um yes
373. Malls or outlets? malls
374. Washington or Washington D.C.? DC
376. South Carolina or North carolina? south carolina
377. North Dakota or South Dakota? south dakota I suppose
378. Motorcycle or 4Wheeler? motorcycle
379. Are you confident about yourself? not really
380. Do you want to go to Antartica? umm noooo
381. Hawaii or Alaska? hawaii
382. What was better; the U.S.S.R. or Russia? doesn't really matter
383. Do you love yourself? sometimes
384. Are you a homosexual? no
385. Ever been in a gay relationship? no
386. Are you bi-sexual? maybe
387. I hope 384-386 were: ...huh????
388. What do you sing to yourself when you're down? I don't
389. Do you sing in the shower? no
390. What is your favorite Disney movie? The Fox and The Hound (makes me cry everytime I watch it)
391. What is the weather like at your house? it's raining
392. Are you having fun yet?! no, still waiting for it to start
393. Do you like Kool-Aid? yes
394. What brand of tissue do you use? whatever is around
395. What brand of cheese do you have in your fridge? kraft american cheese slices
396. What brand of milk do you use? whatever is cheap at the store
397. Were you breast fed? no
398. Do you want me to stop? yes
399. If your life came down to making one decision that would forever determine
your future what would it be and why? I'll keep that a secret for now
400. What is the capitol of Iceland? reykjavik