Jul 16, 2006 11:02
The Tropical Smoothie Cafe rocks. Mmmm. Last night after work some of my friends from work and I went there since it was still open that late at night. I got the most delicious smoothie called Sunrise Sunset and I believe it consisted of kiwi, mango, and orange. Yumm. It was gigantic and addictive. I'm already craving another one.
Also, I think it helped my sore throat. The last two days my throat has started to bother me. I can feel it trying to become an irksome annoyance. So I've been battling it. I will not accept defeat! I've been drinking gallons of water, green tea with honey, and that healthy fruit smoothie couldn't have hurt it. I really must not get sick.
Joe is coming over tonight and I'm rather excited. I haven't really seen him all week. Mon-thursday I was in Ohio. I did stop by his work thursday, on my way home from Ohio, to say hello. I ended up talking with his mom for about an hour waiting for him to get back to the office. I also saw him briefly friday night, but I had really just wanted to go home after work. So I stayed for maybe 20 minutes at his house and then went home. He had Doug and Mike over anyways to keep him entertained.
Now I need to leave for work. I work 12-7pm today. Hopefully it won't be too hectic.
sore throat