Sep 12, 2004 17:55
.writing on the walls.
so jen and i met up today to hang out and do food shopping together. i walked into her apartment which this time was actually starting to be decorated and we were just standing there chatting. she walks back into her room to grab something and i walk in too. right on the side of her computer...human rights campaign sticker. i totally was like 'must supress snickering must supress snickering'. i cant read tomboys worth shit...never have been able to. now i'm totally curious if she is just supportive or if she is gay/bi. i think it would so rock to have a gay friend in my major. i mean we get along great anyways but it would just make it extra cool if she was a dyke. maybe sometime i'll broach the topic.
.and so on.
i pretty much just did errands today. in a half hour my building is having its meet and greet so i get to go have desserts with all the people in my building. after that i'm going to ibt's for the drag beauty padgent with mamta and a few of her coworkers.
i bought the stuff to refinish my dresser...which i'm so looking forward to doing. the only furnature i'm going to have fixed professionally...pending insurance...will be my desk and bookcase. the dresser and table i'm going to just work on.
i need to do my work for 518 but i can put it off till my large gap tomorrow and thus am doing that. actually ill try and do some of the reading tonight. ohh i'm so bla about getting stuff done today. i'm totally crossing my fingers tucson water will get back to maddock/myself soon about truley confirming they want me and what my hours would be. i think having less free time during the day would make me buckle down a bit more.
i've been getting so much sleep....ekk maybe that is it. i bought my 4th pillow today. it makes my bed look even more inviting. god damn. mmmm naps! <3 tabby woke me up today putting her cold nose against mine and pawing at me. then when i finally gave in and got up i look back at my bed and she is sleeping again. sassy lil thing.
alright i should get some reading done or at least schedule it in.