alright so since the computer is offically up at my house i totally got sucked into posting a few photos.
fucking wonderful sight
kaia and jody...dear got its been too long
kaia (she was the nearest to me so i have a million shots of her but i'm so all about jody)
donna fucking dresch
jody...its not a great shot but i took this fucking on stage with team dresch. on stage dancing. trish litterly turns me around and there is fucking jody. so close i could touch her...if she wasnt playing...and i nearly had a heart attack. it was brilliant. i think it was nearly one of the best moments of my life. that entire fucking concert was. *le sigh*
kaia croud surfing
group shot minus donna...damn wide stage!
from rusty's photos (because i only took damn band shots)...
trish and i makingout outside of capital thearter. umm hot.
other non-homo a go go shots
stef and i
julia j and i
looking east over gates pass
mexican birds of my fav flower here.
dear god. that should kill any urge to photo post for a bit. ekk!