I’m Publishing a Book!

Aug 01, 2013 11:28

Literally-I’m the publisher, lol. I’ve been under orders to keep hush about this project since it began-but no longer! We have officially entered the marketing stage of The PROWlers: A Professional Writing Anthology.

If you happen to be in Edmonton, Alberta on 27 of October of this year come on down to LitFest, Edmonton’s premier literary festival, where we will be launching! You can also check out the Website where you can pre-order your copy, and of course, there’s always the Twitters, where you can find The PROWlers @MacEwanPROWlers!

Also, funny conversation I had with my boyfriend back when I first volunteered for the project:
ME: I’m going to be working on an anthology!
BOYFRIEND: An anthropology?
ME: An ANthology.
BOYFRIEND: An apology?
ME: ... I’m working on a book.

Long story short, the writing program I’m graduating from is called PROfessional Writing (the official name is long and boring with a “bachelor” and “applied degree”) but everyone just calls it PROW. So, of course, the students are called PROWlers. And it’s being cancelled.

We’ve all have six years to graduate since the cancellation announcement, and really, it’s not being cancelled so much as merged with the Journalism program to create a new “Bachelor of Communications Studies” program, but still. It’s like our world was just crumbling beneath our feet. The program has meant so much more to any of us than I think we really understood until we found out it was to be no more. But instead if whining about it, we decided to commemorate it.

The PROWlers is a completely student-led and volunteer initiative where we put everything the program had taught us into a real live anthology. We sent out a call for submissions, designed the book and cover, wrote printers for queries, did a crap load of editing, and now we’re almost ready to go to print! Within the pages are poems, short-stories, personal essays and a lot of love for a program all our own.

My personal contributions include becoming the publisher so we could acquire an ISBN and other fun stuffs. Vulpine Press is my official imprint, and I think I’ll use it to self-publish books of my own in the future, but moving on: I also helped design the cover, wrote the book summary, the copyright page and other inner minutia, and one of my own short stories was included! :D

All the work is “literature” so there’s no smut or slash, unfortunately, but the stories are all very well written (if I may be so glib) and if that’s the kind of thing you’re interested in then the book is well worth it for you! If not, we still appreciate any support we get, since we are a small project and any word-of-mouth promoting we get is just going to be an anomaly. :P

I’ll be gushing more when we actually go to print, you can be sure. ~_^
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