Saturday treat for the DTphiles!

Aug 20, 2011 10:05

Morning, ladies!

Those of you UK-based whose day is always brightened by a spot of Mr. David Tennant may wish to grab a copy of today's Guardian for the Weekend section...

... for those beyond these shores or who are unlikely to get down to the newsagent, his interview with the G's Simon Hattenstone (to publicise  the upcoming Fright Night, of course) can be found here.

No great revelations (let's face it, this is DT, part of his charm is his refusal to parade his personal life in public), but I could hug Hattenstone for this opening paragraph, which so totally chimed with my own recent experience:

"There's a moment in the current production of Much Ado About Nothing that I particularly love. It's not when David Tennant's Benedick makes his entrance as a sun-bronzed prat in a golf buggy, nor  his Cary Grant-style rat-a-tat-tat delivery of lines such as, "I would my horse had the speed of your tongue", not even when he finally gets to kiss Catherine Tate's Beatrice. It's the encore when Tennant skips across the stage, grinning from ear to ear, and you just know there's nothing on earth he'd rather be doing. I've never seen an actor so happy in his job."



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