Continuing my intermittent programme of organising my
tolkien_weekly drabbles among my stories on
Henneth Annun Story Archive and
Tolkien Fan Fiction (both in case LJ ever goes irretrievably belly-up, and because I know not all my flist read
tolkien_weekly and have encouraged me to give a heads-up over here), we now have:
Season of Gifts (mostly Legolas and Gimli, one Arwen) -
here at HASA and
here at TFF
The Potter's Wheel (Legolas, Gimli, Eomer, Aragorn) -
here at HASA and
here at TFF
And numerous individual drabbles, featuring everyone from Bilbo to Glorfindel (and, yes, rather a lot of Legolas and Gimli, how did you guess?) added to the general Assorted Drabbles collection,
here at HASA and
here at TFF - everything from no. 17, Darkness Beneath the Boughs, onwards is newly added.