B2MEM Day Twenty-eight: The Letter

Mar 29, 2011 21:41

Today's Challenge:
There was no avoiding it; the letter had to be composed...
Write a story or poem inspired by this line (you do not need to use the exact quote)

This would fit in back towards the beginning of the sequence, probably before Day Eight:

Farewell They Bade to their Free People
“I, Gimli Glóinsson Gróinsson, Lord of Aglarond, being of sound mind -”   Debatable, the Dwarf snorts as he dips quill in ink, when my people hear I intend to take ship into the Uttermost West with Legolas Thranduilion!  “- do hereby thus bequeath and bestow my worldly goods:”

“To you, Father,” Legolas’ elegant tengwar flows across the parchment, “I leave the care of our people here who choose not to follow me; Falastir will lead them northward back to Eryn Lasgalen when they are ready, leaving Ithilien restored…”

Last wills and testaments… from two who hope to journey to the Undying Lands.


b2mem2011, writing, fic, drabbles

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