OK, OK, since the world and his wife seem to be tagging me for this everywhere:
Fifteen Writers
The Rules: Don’t take too long to think about it. Fifteen authors who’ve influenced you and will always stick with you. List the first fifteen you can recall in no more than fifteen minutes. Consider yourself tagged if you want to be tagged.
(NB: I read this not as favourite authors, or even necessarily authors I have read over and over again, but authors as a result of whose work, in some way, I am the person I am. In some cases, this means they're people whose work I found profoundly unsettling, and in one or two cases even came close to wishing I hadn't read. Though most of them I love with a passion ;-) )
J.R.R. Tolkien (OK, no surprises there, flist...)
Umberto Eco
John A. T. Robinson (
Bishop of Woolwich and author of Honest to God)
Ursula Le Guin
Dorothy L. Sayers
Antonia Forest
Susan Cooper
William Shakespeare
Isabel Allende
Douglas Adams
Jane Austen
Jill Paton Walsh
Pablo Neruda
Terry Pratchett
Wendy Cope
(And if we were to expand into fanfic... then I'd have to boot one or two off the above list to make room for
altariel and
dolamrothdame , since it's their fault I started writing fanfic a decade ago, and that could be said to have had a fairly significant impact on my life... ;-)