Happything, 9th January

Jan 10, 2016 21:39

We had a family lunch at a pub in Henley for my Dad's (77th) birthday yesterday - but although that all went well, and the food was tasty, it's not yesterday's happiest #happything:

Top #happything was getting home with the Resident Geek and the Small People and all curling up on the sofa to watch Inside Out (Pixar's movie set inside a pre-teen girl's head, showing how all her different emotions interact and how stress and change in her life affect her).

We all loved it and found it really thought-provoking - and really helpful for talking with the children about feelings, about the difference between depression and feeling sad, and how all your emotions are important and valid (and how, for example, when someone is sad it can be more helpful to just sit with them and show them that you care and that it is OK to feel sad, than to try to insist that they cheer up) - as well as the vital portrayal of the fact that Riley's parents have conflicting emotions too!

happythings, small_persons, family, films

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