Hello world...

Sep 29, 2012 12:10

It's a glorious, crisp autumn morning, the morning chores are done, children chauffeured, I have Badly Drawn Boy on the speakers and coffee brewing....

... and fic mulling about in my brain. Feeling like writing for first time in months!  Even better, went back last night to look at the half-written Powers-verse piece I remembered starting back in the spring before writing last hit the buffers, and discovered that a) there was a lot more of it than I thought, with notes to myself as to what the missing bits were; and b) it was better than I remembered.

So hopefully there will be writing this evening! And I will try and post the previous Powers-verse piece that never went up before my last Slough of Despond, just to keep you going in the meantime :-)

writing, getting_things_done, powersverse

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