B2MEM2012, Last Lines card, N41, "I think that he is singing" - Ho, Ho, Ho, to the Bottle I Go

Mar 08, 2012 10:09

Challenge: Last Lines, N41 - "I think that he is singing"
Author: Azalais
Title: Ho, Ho, Ho, to the Bottle I Go
Characters: Eomer, Legolas, Gimli
Genre: Humour
Length: Drabble
Rating: G
Warnings: drunk as a skunk
Summary: It's been a long day. Come to think of it, it's been a long war.

Ho, Ho, Ho, to the Bottle I Go

Elf and Dwarf escaped with relief from the feast into the starlit Court of the Fountain.

“Fresh air! And the noise in there…”

“There’ll be some sore heads in the morning,”  the Dwarf agreed. “But if I understand aright, Gondor hasn’t seen a King crowned for an Age!”

A burly figure was leaning against the wall across the courtyard, waving a drinking-horn erratically and making an odd, rhythmical moaning noise. Gimli frowned.

“Is that -”

The keener-eyed elf nodded. “Éomer King of Rohan.”

“What ails the lad? Is he ill? In pain?”

Legolas shuddered delicately. “I think… that he is singing.”


silly, b2mem2012, fic, drabbles

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